[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes README-DEVEL.txt, NONE, 1.1 README.txt, 1.49, 1.50

Tony Meyer anadelonbrin at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Aug 24 19:36:43 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv10299

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
Split the readme into two files, one for testers/developers, and one for 'normal'

Copyright (C) 2002 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) holds copyright on all material
in this project.  You may use it under the terms of the PSF license;
see LICENSE.txt.

Assorted clues.

What's Here?
Lots of mondo cool partially documented code.  What else could there be <wink>?

The focus of this project so far has not been to produce the fastest or
smallest filters, but to set up a flexible pure-Python implementation
for doing algorithm research.  Lots of people are making fast/small
implementations, and it takes an entirely different kind of effort to
make genuine algorithm improvements.  I think we've done quite well at
that so far.  The focus of this codebase may change to small/fast
later -- as is, the false positive rate has gotten too small to measure
reliably across test sets with 4000 hams + 2750 spams, and the f-n rate
has also gotten too small to measure reliably across that much training data.

The code in this project requires Python 2.2 (or later).

You should definately check out the FAQ:

Primary Core Files
    Uses ConfigParser to allow fiddling various aspects of the classifier,
    tokenizer, and test drivers.  Create a file named bayescustomize.ini to
    alter the defaults.  Modules wishing to control aspects of their
    operation merely do

        from Options import options

    near the start, and consult attributes of options.  To see what options
    are available, import Options.py and do

        print Options.options.display_full()

    This will print out a detailed description of each option, the allowed
    values, and so on.  (You can pass in a section or section and option
    name to display_full if you don't want the whole list).

    As an alternative to bayescustomize.ini, you can set the environment
    variable BAYESCUSTOMIZE to a list of one or more .ini files, these will
    be read in, in order, and applied to the options. This allows you to
    tweak individual runs by combining fragments of .ini files.  The
    character used to separate different .ini files is platform-dependent.
    On Unix, Linux and Mac OS X systems it is ':'.  On Windows it is ';'.
    On Mac OS 9 and earlier systems it is a NL character.

    *NOTE* The separator character changed after the second alpha version of
    the first release.  Previously, if multiple files were specified in
    BAYESCUSTOMIZE they were space-separated.

    The classifier, which is the soul of the method.

    An implementation of tokenize() that Tim can't seem to help but keep
    working on <wink>.  Generates a token stream from a message, which
    the classifier trains on or predicts against.

    A collection of statistics functions.

    A spamassassin-like filter which uses tokenizer and classifier (above).

    A simpler hammie front-end that doesn't print anything.  Useful for
    procmail filering and scoring from your MUA.

    Trainer for Maildir, MH, or mbox mailboxes.  Remembers which
    messages it saw the last time you ran it, and will only train on new
    messages or messages which should be retrained.  

    The idea is to run this automatically every night on your Inbox and
    Spam folders, and then sort misclassified messages by hand.  This
    will work with any IMAP4 mail client, or any client running on the

    A spam-classifying POP3 proxy.  It adds a spam-judgement header to
    each mail as it's retrieved, so you can use your email client's
    filters to deal with them without needing to fiddle with your email
    delivery system.

    Also acts as a web server providing a user interface that allows you
    to train the classifier, classify messages interactively, and query
    the token database.  This piece will at some point be split out into
    a separate module.

   A message training SMTP proxy.  It sits between your email client and
   your SMTP server and intercepts mail to set ham and spam addresses.
   All other mail is simply passed through to the SMTP server.

    A delivery agent that uses a CDB of word probabilities and delivers
    a message to one of two Maildir message folders, depending on the
    classifier score.  Note that both Maildirs must be on the same

    A stab at making hammie into a client/server model, using XML-RPC.

    A client for hammiesrv.

    A spam-classifying and training application for use with IMAP servers.
    You can specify folders that contain mail to train as ham/spam, and
    folders that contain mail to classify, and the filter will do so.
    Note that this is currently in very early development and not
    recommended for production use.

Test Driver Core
    A test-driver class that feeds streams of msgs to a classifier
    instance, and keeps track of right/wrong percentages and lists
    of false positives and false negatives.

    A flexible higher layer of test helpers, building on Tester above.
    For example, it's usable for building simple test drivers, NxN test
    grids, and N-fold cross-validation drivers.  See also rates.py,
    cmp.py, and table.py below.

    Some simple classes to wrap raw msgs, and to produce streams of
    msgs.  The test drivers use these.

Concrete Test Drivers
    A concrete test driver like timtest.py, but working with a pair of
    mailbox files rather than the specialized timtest setup.

    An N-fold cross-validating test driver.  Assumes "a standard" data
        directory setup (see below)) rather than the specialized mboxtest
    N classifiers are built.
    1 run is done with each classifier.
    Each classifier is trained on N-1 sets, and predicts against the sole
        remaining set (the set not used to train the classifier).
    mboxtest does the same.
    This (or mboxtest) is the preferred way to test when possible:  it
        makes best use of limited data, and interpreting results is

    A concrete test driver like mboxtest.py, but working with "a standard"
        test data setup (see below).  This runs an NxN test grid, skipping
        the diagonal.
    N classifiers are built.
    N-1 runs are done with each classifier.
    Each classifier is trained on 1 set, and predicts against each of
        the N-1 remaining sets (those not used to train the classifier).
    This is a much harder test than timcv, because it trains on N-1 times
        less data, and makes each classifier predict against N-1 times
        more data than it's been taught about.
    It's harder to interpret the results of timtest (than timcv) correctly,
        because each msg is predicted against N-1 times overall.  So, e.g.,
        one terribly difficult spam or ham can count against you N-1 times.

Test Utilities
    Scans the output (so far) produced by TestDriver.Drive(), and captures
    summary statistics.

    Given two summary files produced by rates.py, displays an account
    of all the f-p and f-n rates side-by-side, along with who won which
    (etc), the change in total # of unique false positives and negatives,
    and the change in average f-p and f-n rates.

    Summarizes the high-order bits from any number of summary files,
    in a compact table.

    Given one or more TestDriver output files, prints list of false
    positive and false negative filenames, one per line.

Test Data Utilities
    A script to repair mbox archives by finding "Unix From" lines that
    should have been escaped, and escaping them.

    A script to remove unwanted headers from an mbox file.  This is mostly
    useful to delete headers which incorrectly might bias the results.
    In default mode, this is similar to 'spamassassin -d', but much, much

    A script to calculate a "loose" checksum for a message.  See the text of
    the script for an operational definition of "loose".

    Evens out the number of messages in "standard" test data folders (see
    below).  Needs generalization (e.g., Ham and 4000 are hardcoded now).

    Count the number of messages (both parseable and unparseable) in
    mbox archives.

    Split an mbox into random pieces in various ways.  Tim recommends
    using "the standard" test data set up instead (see below).

    Like splitn.py (above), but splits an mbox into one message per file in
    "the standard" directory structure (see below).  This does an
    approximate split; rebal.py (above) can be used afterwards to even out
    the number of messages per folder.

    A bourne shell script (for Unix) which will run some test or other.
    I (Neale) will try to keep this updated to test whatever Tim is
    currently asking for.  The idea is, if you have a standard directory
    structure (below), you can run this thing, go have some tea while it
    works, then paste the output to the spambayes list for good karma.

Standard Test Data Setup
Barry gave Tim mboxes, but the spam corpus he got off the web had one spam
per file, and it only took two days of extreme pain to realize that one msg
per file is enormously easier to work with when testing:  you want to split
these at random into random collections, you may need to replace some at
random when testing reveals spam mistakenly called ham (and vice versa),
etc -- even pasting examples into email is much easier when it's one msg
per file (and the test drivers make it easy to print a msg's file path).

The directory structure under my spambayes directory looks like so:

        Set1/ (contains 1375 spam .txt files)
        Set2/            ""
        Set3/            ""
        Set4/            ""
        Set5/            ""
        Set6/            ""
        Set7/            ""
        Set9/            ""
        Set9/            ""
        Set10/           ""
	reservoir/ (contains "backup spam")
        Set1/ (contains 2000 ham .txt files)
        Set2/            ""
        Set3/            ""
        Set4/            ""
        Set5/            ""
        Set6/            ""
        Set7/            ""
        Set8/            ""
        Set9/            ""
        Set10/           ""
        reservoir/ (contains "backup ham")

Every file at the deepest level is used (not just files with .txt
extensions).  The files don't need to have a "Unix From"
header before the RFC-822 message (i.e. a line of the form "From
<address> <date>").

If you use the same names and structure, huge mounds of the tedious testing
code will work as-is.  The more Set directories the merrier, although you
want at least a few hundred messages in each one.  The "reservoir"
directories contain a few thousand other random hams and spams.  When a ham
is found that's really spam, move it into a spam directory, then use the
rebal.py utility to rebalance the Set directories moving random message(s)
into and/or out of the reservoir directories.  The reverse works as well
(finding ham in your spam directories).

The hams are 20,000 msgs selected at random from a python-list archive.
The spams are essentially all of Bruce Guenter's 2002 spam archive:


The sets are grouped into pairs in the obvious way:  Spam/Set1 with
Ham/Set1, and so on.  For each such pair, timtest trains a classifier on
that pair, then runs predictions on each of the other pairs.  In effect,
it's a NxN test grid, skipping the diagonal.  There's no particular reason
to avoid predicting against the same set trained on, except that it
takes more time and seems the least interesting thing to try.

Later, support for N-fold cross validation testing was added, which allows
more accurate measurement of error rates with smaller amounts of training
data.  That's recommended now.  timcv.py is to cross-validation testing
as the older timtest.py is to grid testing.  timcv.py has grown additional
arguments to allow using only a random subset of messages in each Set.

CAUTION:  The parititioning of your corpora across directories should
be random.  If it isn't, bias creeps in to the test results.  This is
usually screamingly obvious under the NxN grid method (rates vary by a
factor of 10 or more across training sets, and even within runs against
a single training set), but harder to spot using N-fold c-v.

Index: README.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/README.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.49
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -C2 -d -r1.49 -r1.50
*** README.txt	12 Jun 2003 07:19:13 -0000	1.49
--- README.txt	25 Aug 2003 01:36:41 -0000	1.50
*** 1,3 ****
! Copyright (C) 2002 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved
  The Python Software Foundation (PSF) holds copyright on all material
--- 1,3 ----
! Copyright (C) 2002-3 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved
  The Python Software Foundation (PSF) holds copyright on all material
*** 6,323 ****
! Assorted clues.
! What's Here?
- Lots of mondo cool undocumented code.  What else could there be <wink>?
! The focus of this project so far has not been to produce the fastest or
! smallest filters, but to set up a flexible pure-Python implementation
! for doing algorithm research.  Lots of people are making fast/small
! implementations, and it takes an entirely different kind of effort to
! make genuine algorithm improvements.  I think we've done quite well at
! that so far.  The focus of this codebase may change to small/fast
! later -- as is, the false positive rate has gotten too small to measure
! reliably across test sets with 4000 hams + 2750 spams, but the false
! negative rate is still over 1%.  Later:  the f-n rate has also gotten
! too small to measure reliably across that much training data.
! The code in this project requires Python 2.2 (or later).
! You should definately check out the FAQ:
! http://spambayes.org/faq.html
! Primary Core Files
! ==================
! Options.py
!     Uses ConfigParser to allow fiddling various aspects of the classifier,
!     tokenizer, and test drivers.  Create a file named bayescustomize.ini to
!     alter the defaults.  Modules wishing to control aspects of their
!     operation merely do
-         from Options import options
!     near the start, and consult attributes of options.  To see what options
!     are available, import Options.py and do
!         print Options.options.display_full()
!     This will print out a detailed description of each option, the allowed
!     values, and so on.  (You can pass in a section or section and option
!     name to display_full if you don't want the whole list).
!     As an alternative to bayescustomize.ini, you can set the environment
!     variable BAYESCUSTOMIZE to a list of one or more .ini files, these will
!     be read in, in order, and applied to the options. This allows you to
!     tweak individual runs by combining fragments of .ini files.  The
!     character used to separate different .ini files is platform-dependent.
!     On Unix, Linux and Mac OS X systems it is ':'.  On Windows it is ';'.
!     On Mac OS 9 and earlier systems it is a NL character.
!     *NOTE* The separator character changed after the second alpha version of
!     the first release.  Previously, if multiple files were specified in
!     BAYESCUSTOMIZE they were space-separated.
- classifier.py
-     The classifier, which is the soul of the method.
! tokenizer.py
!     An implementation of tokenize() that Tim can't seem to help but keep
!     working on <wink>.  Generates a token stream from a message, which
!     the classifier trains on or predicts against.
! chi2.py
!     A collection of statistics functions.
! Apps
! ====
! hammie.py
!     A spamassassin-like filter which uses tokenizer and classifier (above).
- hammiefilter.py
-     A simpler hammie front-end that doesn't print anything.  Useful for
-     procmail filering and scoring from your MUA.
! mboxtrain.py
!     Trainer for Maildir, MH, or mbox mailboxes.  Remembers which
!     messages it saw the last time you ran it, and will only train on new
!     messages or messages which should be retrained.  
!     The idea is to run this automatically every night on your Inbox and
!     Spam folders, and then sort misclassified messages by hand.  This
!     will work with any IMAP4 mail client, or any client running on the
!     server.
! pop3proxy.py
!     A spam-classifying POP3 proxy.  It adds a spam-judgement header to
!     each mail as it's retrieved, so you can use your email client's
!     filters to deal with them without needing to fiddle with your email
!     delivery system.
!     Also acts as a web server providing a user interface that allows you
!     to train the classifier, classify messages interactively, and query
!     the token database.  This piece will at some point be split out into
!     a separate module.
! smtpproxy.py
!    A message training SMTP proxy.  It sits between your email client and
!    your SMTP server and intercepts mail to set ham and spam addresses.
!    A unique spambayes id is extracted from the message and it is
!    (re)trained appropriately.  All other mail is simply passed through
!    to the SMTP server.
! mailsort.py
!     A delivery agent that uses a CDB of word probabilities and delivers
!     a message to one of two Maildir message folders, depending on the
!     classifier score.  Note that both Maildirs must be on the same
!     device.
! hammiesrv.py
!     A stab at making hammie into a client/server model, using XML-RPC.
! hammiecli.py
!     A client for hammiesrv.
! imapfilter.py
!     A spam-classifying and training application for use with IMAP servers.
!     You can specify folders that contain mail to train as ham/spam, and
!     folders that contain mail to classify, and the filter will do so.
!     Note that this is currently in very early development and not
!     recommended for production use.
! Test Driver Core
! ================
! Tester.py
!     A test-driver class that feeds streams of msgs to a classifier
!     instance, and keeps track of right/wrong percentages and lists
!     of false positives and false negatives.
! TestDriver.py
!     A flexible higher layer of test helpers, building on Tester above.
!     For example, it's usable for building simple test drivers, NxN test
!     grids, and N-fold cross-validation drivers.  See also rates.py,
!     cmp.py, and table.py below.
! msgs.py
!     Some simple classes to wrap raw msgs, and to produce streams of
!     msgs.  The test drivers use these.
! Concrete Test Drivers
! =====================
! mboxtest.py
!     A concrete test driver like timtest.py, but working with a pair of
!     mailbox files rather than the specialized timtest setup.
- timcv.py
-     An N-fold cross-validating test driver.  Assumes "a standard" data
-         directory setup (see below)) rather than the specialized mboxtest
-         setup.
-     N classifiers are built.
-     1 run is done with each classifier.
-     Each classifier is trained on N-1 sets, and predicts against the sole
-         remaining set (the set not used to train the classifier).
-     mboxtest does the same.
-     This (or mboxtest) is the preferred way to test when possible:  it
-         makes best use of limited data, and interpreting results is
-         straightforward.
! timtest.py
!     A concrete test driver like mboxtest.py, but working with "a standard"
!         test data setup (see below).  This runs an NxN test grid, skipping
!         the diagonal.
!     N classifiers are built.
!     N-1 runs are done with each classifier.
!     Each classifier is trained on 1 set, and predicts against each of
!         the N-1 remaining sets (those not used to train the classifier).
!     This is a much harder test than timcv, because it trains on N-1 times
!         less data, and makes each classifier predict against N-1 times
!         more data than it's been taught about.
!     It's harder to interpret the results of timtest (than timcv) correctly,
!         because each msg is predicted against N-1 times overall.  So, e.g.,
!         one terribly difficult spam or ham can count against you N-1 times.
- Test Utilities
- ==============
- rates.py
-     Scans the output (so far) produced by TestDriver.Drive(), and captures
-     summary statistics.
! cmp.py
!     Given two summary files produced by rates.py, displays an account
!     of all the f-p and f-n rates side-by-side, along with who won which
!     (etc), the change in total # of unique false positives and negatives,
!     and the change in average f-p and f-n rates.
! table.py
!     Summarizes the high-order bits from any number of summary files,
!     in a compact table.
! fpfn.py
!     Given one or more TestDriver output files, prints list of false
!     positive and false negative filenames, one per line.
! Test Data Utilities
! ===================
! cleanarch
!     A script to repair mbox archives by finding "Unix From" lines that
!     should have been escaped, and escaping them.
! unheader.py
!     A script to remove unwanted headers from an mbox file.  This is mostly
!     useful to delete headers which incorrectly might bias the results.
!     In default mode, this is similar to 'spamassassin -d', but much, much
!     faster.
! loosecksum.py
!     A script to calculate a "loose" checksum for a message.  See the text of
!     the script for an operational definition of "loose".
- rebal.py
-     Evens out the number of messages in "standard" test data folders (see
-     below).  Needs generalization (e.g., Ham and 4000 are hardcoded now).
! mboxcount.py
!     Count the number of messages (both parseable and unparseable) in
!     mbox archives.
! split.py
! splitn.py
!     Split an mbox into random pieces in various ways.  Tim recommends
!     using "the standard" test data set up instead (see below).
! splitndirs.py
!     Like splitn.py (above), but splits an mbox into one message per file in
!     "the standard" directory structure (see below).  This does an
!     approximate split; rebal.py (above) can be used afterwards to even out
!     the number of messages per folder.
! runtest.sh
!     A bourne shell script (for Unix) which will run some test or other.
!     I (Neale) will try to keep this updated to test whatever Tim is
!     currently asking for.  The idea is, if you have a standard directory
!     structure (below), you can run this thing, go have some tea while it
!     works, then paste the output to the spambayes list for good karma.
! Standard Test Data Setup
! ========================
! Barry gave me mboxes, but the spam corpus I got off the web had one spam
! per file, and it only took two days of extreme pain to realize that one msg
! per file is enormously easier to work with when testing:  you want to split
! these at random into random collections, you may need to replace some at
! random when testing reveals spam mistakenly called ham (and vice versa),
! etc -- even pasting examples into email is much easier when it's one msg
! per file (and the test drivers make it easy to print a msg's file path).
- The directory structure under my spambayes directory looks like so:
! Data/
!     Spam/
!         Set1/ (contains 1375 spam .txt files)
!         Set2/            ""
!         Set3/            ""
!         Set4/            ""
!         Set5/            ""
!         Set6/            ""
!         Set7/            ""
!         Set9/            ""
!         Set9/            ""
!         Set10/           ""
! 	reservoir/ (contains "backup spam")
!     Ham/
!         Set1/ (contains 2000 ham .txt files)
!         Set2/            ""
!         Set3/            ""
!         Set4/            ""
!         Set5/            ""
!         Set6/            ""
!         Set7/            ""
!         Set8/            ""
!         Set9/            ""
!         Set10/           ""
!         reservoir/ (contains "backup ham")
! Every file at the deepest level is used (not just files with .txt
! extensions).  The files don't need to have a "Unix From"
! header before the RFC-822 message (i.e. a line of the form "From
! <address> <date>").
! If you use the same names and structure, huge mounds of the tedious testing
! code will work as-is.  The more Set directories the merrier, although you
! want at least a few hundred messages in each one.  The "reservoir"
! directories contain a few thousand other random hams and spams.  When a ham
! is found that's really spam, move it into a spam directory, then use the
! rebal.py utility to rebalance the Set directories moving random message(s)
! into and/or out of the reservoir directories.  The reverse works as well
! (finding ham in your spam directories).
! The hams are 20,000 msgs selected at random from a python-list archive.
! The spams are essentially all of Bruce Guenter's 2002 spam archive:
!     <http://www.em.ca/~bruceg/spam/>
! The sets are grouped into pairs in the obvious way:  Spam/Set1 with
! Ham/Set1, and so on.  For each such pair, timtest trains a classifier on
! that pair, then runs predictions on each of the other pairs.  In effect,
! it's a NxN test grid, skipping the diagonal.  There's no particular reason
! to avoid predicting against the same set trained on, except that it
! takes more time and seems the least interesting thing to try.
! Later, support for N-fold cross validation testing was added, which allows
! more accurate measurement of error rates with smaller amounts of training
! data.  That's recommended now.  timcv.py is to cross-validation testing
! as the older timtest.py is to grid testing.  timcv.py has grown additional
! arguments to allow using only a random subset of messages in each Set.
! CAUTION:  The parititioning of your corpora across directories should
! be random.  If it isn't, bias creeps in to the test results.  This is
! usually screamingly obvious under the NxN grid method (rates vary by a
! factor of 10 or more across training sets, and even within runs against
! a single training set), but harder to spot using N-fold c-v.
--- 6,407 ----
! Overview
! ========
+ SpamBayes is a tool used to segregate unwanted mail (spam) from the mail you
+ want (ham).  Before SpamBayes can be your spam filter of choice you need to
+ train it on representative samples of email you receive.  After it's been
+ trained, you use SpamBayes to classify new mail according to its spamminess
+ and hamminess qualities.
! When SpamBayes filters your email, it compares each unclassified message
! against the information it saved from training and makes a decision about
! whether it thinks the message qualifies as ham or spam, or if it's unsure
! about how to classify the message.  It then passes this information on to
! your mail client.  Unless you are using IMAP or Outlook, this means it adds
! a header to each message, X-SpamBayes-Classification: spam|ham|unsure.  You
! can then filter on this header, to file away suspected spam into its own
! mail folder for example.  IMAP and Outlook both have the capacity to do the
! filtering themselves, so the header is not necessary.
! If you have any questions that this document does not answer, you should
! definately try the SpamBayes website <http://spambayes.org>, and in
! particular, try reading the list of frequently asked questions:
! <http://spambayes.org/faq.html>
! Prerequisites
! =============
! You need to have Python 2.2 or later (2.3 is recommended).  You can
! download Python from <http://www.python.org/download/>.
! Many distributions of unix now ship with Python - try typing 'python' 
! at a shell prompt.
! You also need version 2.4.3 or above of the Python "email" package.
! If you're running Python 2.2.3 or above then you already have a good
! version of the email package.
! If not, you can download email version 2.5 from <http://mimelib.sf.net>
! and install it - unpack the archive, cd to the email-2.5 directory and
! type "python setup.py install".  This will install it into your Python
! site-packages directory.  You'll also need to move aside the standard
! "email" library - go to your Python "Lib" directory and rename "email"
! to "email_old".
! To run the Outlook plug-in from source, you also need have the win32com
! extensions installed (win32all-149 or above), which you can get from
! <http://starship.python.net/crew/mhammond>.
! Getting the software
! ====================
! If you don't already have it, you can download the latest release of
! SpamBayes from <http://spambayes.org/download.html>.
! For the Really Impatient
! ========================
! If you get your mail from a POP3 server, then all you should need to do
! to get running is change your mail client to send and receive mail from
! "localhost", and then run "python pop3proxy.py -b" in the directory you
! expanded the SpamBayes source into.  This will open a web browser window
! - click the "Configuration" link at the top right and fill in the various
! settings.
! Installation
! The first thing you need to do is run "setup.py install" in the directory
! that you expanded the SpamBayes archive into.  This will install all the
! files that you need into the correct locations.  After this, you can
! delete that directory; it is no longer required.
! Before you begin
! ----------------
! It's a good idea to train SpamBayes before you start using it, although
! this isn't compulsory.  You need to save your incoming email for awhile,
! segregating it into two piles, known spam (bad mail) and known ham (good
! mail).  It's best to train on recent email, because your interests and the
! nature of what spam looks like change over time.  Once you've collected a
! fair portion of each (anything is better than nothing, but it helps to have
! a couple hundred of each), you can tell SpamBayes, "Here's my ham and my
! spam".  It will then process that mail and save information about different
! patterns which appear in ham and spam.  That information is then used
! during the filtering stage.  See the "Training" section below for details.
+ Outlook plug-in
+ ---------------
! For information about how to use the Outlook plug-in, please read the
! "about.html" file in the Outlook2000 directory.
! POP3 Proxy
! ----------
! You need to configure your email client to talk to the proxies instead of
! the real email servers.  Change your equivalent of "pop3.example.com" to
! "localhost" (or to the name of the machine you're running the proxy on) in
! your email client's setup, and do the same with your equivalent of
! "smtp.example.com".
! Now launch pop3proxy, either by running the "pop3proxy_service.py" script
! (for those using Windows 2000, Windows NT or Windows XP), or the
! "pop3proxy.py" script (for everyone else).
! All you need to do to configure SpamBayes is to open a web page to
! <http://localhost:8880>, click on the "Configuration" link at the top
! right, and fill in the relevant details.  Everything should be ok with the
! defaults, except for the POP3 and SMTP server information at the top, which
! is required.  Note that *nix users may not have permission to bind ports
! lower than 1025, so instead of proxying on ports 25 and 110, you should
! chose higher numbers, such as 1025 and 1110.
! When you check your mail in your mail client now, messages should have an
! addition SpamBayes header (you may not be able to see this by default).
! You should be able to create a mail folder called "Spam" and set up a
! filtering rule that puts emails with an "X-Spambayes-Classification: spam"
! header into that folder.
! IMAP Filter
! -----------
! To configure SpamBayes, run the "imapfilter.py" script, and open a web page
! to <http://localhost:8880>, click on the "Configuration" link at the top
! right, and fill in the relevant details.  Everything should be ok with the
! defaults, except for the server information at the top.
+ You now need to let SpamBayes know which IMAP folders it should work with.
+ Use the "configure folders to filter" and "configure folders to train"
+ links on the web page <http://localhost:8880> to do this.  The 'filter'
+ folders are those that will have mail that you want to identify as either
+ ham (good) or spam (bad) - this will probably be your Inbox.  The 'train'
+ folders are those that contain examples of ham and spam, to assist SpamBayes
+ with its classification.  (Folders can be used for both training and
+ filtering).
! You then need to set the IMAP filter up to run periodically.  At the moment,
! you'll need to do this from a command (or DOS) prompt.  You should run the
! command "python imapfilter.py -c -t -l 5".  The '-c' means that the script
! should classify new mail, the '-t' means that the script should train any
! mail that you have told it to, and the '-l 5' means that the script should
! execute every five minutes (you can change this as required).
! Procmail filtering
! ------------------
! Many people on Unix-like systems have procmail available as an optional or
! as the default local delivery agent.  Integrating SpamBayes checking with
! Procmail is straightforward.
! First, create a SpamBayes database, by running "hammiefilter.py -n".  If
! you have some mail around that you can use to train it, do you (see the
! "command line training" section below).  Note that if you don't, all your
! mail will start out as 'unsure'.
! Now, create a .spambayesrc file.  There are lots of options you could have
! in here, but for the moment, just have these:
!     [Storage]
!     persistent_use_database = True
!     persistent_storage_file = ~/.hammiedb
! (Replace the latter with the location of the .hammiedb file that
! hammiefilter created in the first step).
! Once you've trained SpamBayes on your
! collection of know ham and spam, you can use the hammie.py script to
! classify incoming mail like so:
!     :0 fw:hamlock
!     | /usr/local/bin/hammie.py -f -d -p $HOME/hammie.db
! The above Procmail recipe tells it to run /usr/local/bin/hammie.py in filter
! mode (-f), and to use the training results stored in the dbm-style file
! ~/hammie.db.  While hammie.py is runnning, Procmail uses the lock file
! hamlock to prevent multiple invocations from stepping on each others' toes.
! (It's not strictly necessary in this case since no files on-disk are
! modified, but Procmail will still complain if you don't specify a lock
! file.)
+ The result of running hammie.py in filter mode is that Procmail will use the
+ output from the run as the mail message for further processing downstream.
+ Hammie.py inserts an X-SpamBayes-Classification header in the output message
+ which looks like:
!     X-SpamBayes-Classification: ham; 0.00; '*H*': 1.00; '*S*': 0.00; 'python': 0.00;
! 	'linux,': 0.01; 'desirable': 0.01; 'cvs,': 0.01; 'perl.': 0.02;
! 	...
! You can then use this to segregate your messages into various inboxes, like
! so:
!     :0
!     * ^X-SpamBayes-Classification: spam
!     spam
+     :0
+     * ^X-SpamBayes-Classification: unsure
+     unsure
! The first recipe catches all messages which hammie.py classified as spam.
! The second catches all messages about which it was unsure.  The combination
! allows you to isolate spam from your good mail and tuck away messages it was
! unsure about so you can scan them more closely.
! VM and Gnus
! -----------
+ VM and Gnus are mail readers distributed with Emacs and XEmacs.  The
+ SpamBayes.el file in the contrib directory contains code and
+ instructions for VM and Gnus integration.
! Training
! ========
! POP3 Proxy
! ----------
! You can train the system through the web interface: <http://localhost:8880>.
! Follow the "Review messages" link and you'll see a list of the emails that
! the system has seen so far.  Check the appropriate boxes and hit Train.
! The messages disappear and if you go back to the home page you'll see that
! the "Total emails trained" has increased.
+ Alternatively, when you receive an incorrectly classified message, you can
+ forward it to the SMTP proxy for training.  If the message should have been
+ classified as spam, forward or bounce the message to
+ spambayes_spam at localhost, and if the message should have been classified as
+ ham, forward it to spambayes_ham at localhost.  You can still review the
+ training through the web interface, if you wish to do so.
! Note that some mail clients (particularly Outlook Express) do not forward
! all headers when you bounce, forward or redirect mail.  For these clients,
! you will need to use the web interface to train.
! Once you've done this on a few spams and a few hams, you'll find that the
! X-Spambayes-Classification header is getting it right most of the time.
! The more you train it the more accurate it gets.  There's no need to train
! it on every message you receive, but you should train on a few spams and a
! few hams on a regular basis.  You should also try to train it on about the
! same number of spams as hams.
! You can train it on lots of messages in one go by either using the Hammie
! script as explained in the "Command-line training" section, or by giving
! messages to the web interface via the "Train" form on the Home page.  You
! can train on individual messages (which is tedious) or using mbox files.
! IMAP Filter
! -----------
! If you are running the IMAP filter with the '-t' switch, as described above,
! then all you need to do to train is move examples of mail into the
! appropriate folders, via your mail client (for example, move mail that was
! not classified as spam into (one of) the folder(s) that you specified as
! a spam training folder in the steps above.
! Command-line training
! ---------------------
! Given a pair of Unix mailbox format files (each message starts with a line
! which begins with 'From '), one containing nothing but spam and the other
! containing nothing but ham, you can train Spambayes using a command like
+     hammie.py -g ~/tmp/newham -s ~/tmp/newspam
! The above command is command-line-centric (eg. unix, or Windows command
! prompt).  You can also use the web interface for training as detailed above.
! Overview
! ========
! [This section will tell you more about how and what SpamBayes is, but does
! not contain any additional information about setting it up.]
! There are eight main components to the SpamBayes system:
!  o A database.  Loosely speaking, this is a collection of words and
!    associated spam and ham probabilities.  The database says "If a message
!    contains the word 'Viagra' then there's a 98% chance that it's spam, and
!    a 2% chance that it's ham."  This database is created by training - you
!    give it messages, tell it whether those messages are ham or spam, and it
!    adjusts its probabilities accordingly.  How to train it is covered
!    below.  By default it lives in a file called "hammie.db".
!  o The tokeniser/classifier.  This is the core engine of the system.  The
!    tokenizer splits emails into tokens (words, roughly speaking), and the
!    classifier looks at those tokens to determine whether the message looks
!    like spam or not.  You don't use the tokeniser/classifier directly -
!    it powers the other parts of the system.
!  o The POP3 proxy.  This sits between your email client (Eudora, Outlook
!    Express, etc) and your incoming email server, and adds the
!    classification header to emails as you download them.  A typical
!    user's email setup looks like this:
!        +-----------------+                              +-------------+
!        | Outlook Express |      Internet or intranet    |             |
!        |  (or similar)   | <--------------------------> | POP3 server |
!        |                 |                              |             |
!        +-----------------+                              +-------------+
!    The POP3 server runs either at your ISP for internet mail, or somewhere
!    on your internal network for corporate mail.  The POP3 proxy sits in the
!    middle and adds the classification header as you retrieve your email:
!        +-----------------+        +------------+        +-------------+
!        | Outlook Express |        | SpamBayes  |        |             |
!        |  (or similar)   | <----> | POP3 proxy | <----> | POP3 server |
!        |                 |        |            |        |             |
!        +-----------------+        +------------+        +-------------+
!    So where you currently have your email client configured to talk to
!    say, "pop3.my-isp.com", you instead configure the *proxy* to talk to
!    "pop3.my-isp.com" and configure your email client to talk to the proxy.
!    The POP3 proxy can live on your PC, or on the same machine as the POP3
!    server, or on a different machine entirely, it really doesn't matter.
!    Say it's living on your PC, you'd configure your email client to talk
!    to "localhost".  You can configure the proxy to talk to multiple POP3
!    servers, if you have more than one email account.
!  o The SMTP proxy.  This sits between your email client (Eudora, Outlook
!    Express, etc) and your outgoing email server.  Any mail sent to
!    SpamBayes_spam at localhost or SpamBayes_ham at localhost is intercepted
!    and trained appropriately.  A typical user's email setup looks like
!    this:
!        +-----------------+                              +-------------+
!        | Outlook Express |      Internet or intranet    |             |
!        |  (or similar)   | <--------------------------> | SMTP server |
!        |                 |                              |             |
!        +-----------------+                              +-------------+
!    The SMTP server runs either at your ISP for internet mail, or somewhere
!    on your internal network for corporate mail.  The SMTP proxy sits in the
!    middle and checks for mail to train on as you send your email:
!        +-----------------+        +------------+        +-------------+
!        | Outlook Express |        | SpamBayes  |        |             |
!        |  (or similar)   | <----> | SMTP proxy | <----> | SMTP server |
!        |                 |        |            |        |             |
!        +-----------------+        +------------+        +-------------+
!    So where you currently have your email client configured to talk to
!    say, "smtp.my-isp.com", you instead configure the *proxy* to talk to
!    "smtp.my-isp.com" and configure your email client to talk to the proxy.
!    The SMTP proxy can live on your PC, or on the same machine as the SMTP
!    server, or on a different machine entirely, it really doesn't matter.
!    Say it's living on your PC, you'd configure your email client to talk
!    to "localhost".  You can configure the proxy to talk to multiple SMTP
!    servers, if you have more than one email account.
!  o The web interface.  This is a server that runs alongside the POP3 proxy,
!    SMTP proxy, and IMAP filter (see below) and lets you control it through
!    the web.  You can upload emails to it for training or classification,
!    query the probabilities database ("How many of my emails really *do*
!    contain the word Viagra"?), find particular messages, and most
!    importantly, train it on the emails you've received.  When you start
!    using the system, unless you train it using the Hammie script it will
!    classify most things as Unsure, and often make mistakes.  But it keeps
!    copies of all the email's its seen, and through the web interface you
!    can train it by going through a list of all the emails you've received
!    and checking a Ham/Spam box next to each one.  After training on a few
!    messages (say 20 spams and 20 hams), you'll find that it's getting it
!    right most of the time.   The web training interface automatically
!    checks the Ham/Spam boxes according to what it thinks, so all you need
!    to do it correct the odd mistake - it's very quick and easy.
!  o The Outlook plug-in.  For Outlook 2000 and Outlook XP users (not Outlook
!    Express) this lets you manage the whole thing from within Outlook.  You
!    set up a Ham folder and a Spam folder, and train it simply by dragging
!    messages into those folders.  Alternatively there are buttons to do the
!    same thing. And it integrates into Outlook's filtering system to make it
!    easy to file all the suspected spam into its own folder, for instance.
!  o The Hammie script.  This does three jobs: command-line training,
!    procmail filtering, and XML-RPC.  See below for details of how to use
!    Hammie for training, and how to use it as procmail filter.  Hammie can
!    also run as an XML-RPC server, so that a programmer can write code that
!    uses a remote server to classify emails programmatically - see
!    hammiesrv.py.
!  o The IMAP filter.  This is a cross between the POP3 proxy and the Outlook
!    plugin.  If your mail sits on an IMAP server, you can use the this to
!    filter your mail.  You can designate folders that contain mail to train
!    as ham and folders that contain mail to train as spam, and the filter
!    does this for you.  You can also designate folders to filter, along with
!    a folder for messages SpamBayes is unsure about, and a folder for
!    suspected spam. When new mail arrives, the filter will move mail to the
!    appropriate location (ham is left in the original folder).

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