[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs dialog_map.py, NONE, __init__.py, 1.2, test_dialogs.py,, AsyncDialog.py, 1.8, NONE DialogGlobals.py, 1.1, NONE FilterDialog.py, 1.20, NONE ManagerDialog.py, 1.10, NONE TrainingDialog.py, 1.13, NONE

Mark Hammond mhammond at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Aug 4 01:21:17 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv8156/dialogs

Modified Files:
      Tag: outlook-dialog-branch
	__init__.py test_dialogs.py 
Added Files:
      Tag: outlook-dialog-branch
Removed Files:
      Tag: outlook-dialog-branch
	AsyncDialog.py DialogGlobals.py FilterDialog.py 
	ManagerDialog.py TrainingDialog.py 
Log Message:
Brutal!  Delete the old dialogs, and the manager now shows the new ones
inside outlook!  Not modal though.

--- NEW FILE: dialog_map.py ---
# This module is part of the spambayes project, which is Copyright 2003
# The Python Software Foundation and is covered by the Python Software
# Foundation license.

from processors import *
from opt_processors import *

from dialogs import ShowDialog

# "dialog specific" processors:
class VersionStringProcessor(ControlProcessor):
    def Init(self):
        from spambayes.Version import get_version_string
        import sys
        version_key = "Full Description"
        if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
            version_key += " Binary"
        version_string = get_version_string("Outlook", version_key)
        win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetControl(), win32con.WM_SETTEXT,
                             0, version_string)

    def GetPopupHelpText(self, cid):
        return "The version of SpamBayes running"

class TrainingStatusProcessor(ControlProcessor):
    def Init(self):
        bayes = self.window.manager.bayes
        nspam = bayes.nspam
        nham = bayes.nham
        if nspam > 0 and nham > 0:
            db_status = "Database has %d good and %d spam" % (nham, nspam)
            db_status = "Database has no training information"
        win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetControl(), win32con.WM_SETTEXT,
                             0, db_status)

class FilterEnableProcessor(BoolButtonProcessor):
    def UpdateValue_FromControl(self):
        check = win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetControl(), win32con.BM_GETCHECK)
        if check:
            reason = self.window.manager.GetDisabledReason()
            if reason is not None:
                win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetControl(), win32con.BM_SETCHECK, 0)
                raise ValueError, reason
        check = not not check # force bool!
class FilterStatusProcessor(ControlProcessor):
    def OnOptionChanged(self, option):

    def Init(self):
        manager = self.window.manager
        reason = manager.GetDisabledReason()
        if reason is not None:
            win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetControl(), win32con.WM_SETTEXT,
                                 0, reason)
        if not manager.config.filter.enabled:
            status = "Filtering is disabled.  Select 'Enable Filtering' to enable"
            win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetControl(), win32con.WM_SETTEXT,
                                 0, status)
        # ok, enabled and working - put together the status text.
        config = manager.config.filter
        certain_spam_name = manager.FormatFolderNames(
                                      [config.spam_folder_id], False)
        if config.unsure_folder_id:
            unsure_name = manager.FormatFolderNames(
                                    [config.unsure_folder_id], False)
            unsure_text = "unsure managed in '%s'" % (unsure_name,)
            unsure_text = "unsure messages untouched"
        watch_names = manager.FormatFolderNames(
                        config.watch_folder_ids, config.watch_include_sub)
        filter_status = "Watching '%s'. Spam managed in '%s', %s" \
                                % (watch_names,
        win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetControl(), win32con.WM_SETTEXT,
                             0, filter_status)

def ShowAbout(mgr):
    """Displays the main SpamBayes documentation in your Web browser"""
    import sys, os
    if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
        # Same directory as to the executable.
        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),
        # In the parent (ie, main Outlook2000) dir
        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
    fname = os.path.abspath(fname)
    if os.path.isfile(fname):
        print "Cant find about - fix messagebox"
        self.MessageBox("Can't find about.html")

class DialogCommand(ButtonProcessor):
    def __init__(self, window, control_ids, idd):
        self.idd = idd
        ButtonProcessor.__init__(self, window, control_ids)
    def OnClicked(self, id):
        parent = self.window.hwnd
        # Thos form and the other form may "share" options, or at least
        # depend on others.  So we must save the current form back to the
        # options object, display the new dialog, then reload the current
        # form from the options object/
        ShowDialog(parent, self.window.manager, self.idd)
    def GetPopupHelpText(self, id):
        dd = self.window.manager.dialog_parser.dialogs[self.idd]
        return "Displays the %s dialog" % dd.caption

from async_processor import AsyncCommandProcessor
import filter, train

dialog_map = {
    "IDD_MANAGER" : (
        (CloseButtonProcessor,    "IDOK IDCANCEL"),
        (VersionStringProcessor,  "IDC_VERSION"),
        (TrainingStatusProcessor, "IDC_TRAINING_STATUS"),
        (FilterEnableProcessor,   "IDC_BUT_FILTER_ENABLE", "Filter.enabled"),
        (FilterStatusProcessor,   "IDC_FILTER_STATUS"),
        (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_TRAIN_FROM_SPAM_FOLDER",
        (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_TRAIN_TO_SPAM_FOLDER",
        (DialogCommand,           "IDC_BUT_FILTER_NOW", "IDD_FILTER_NOW"),
        (DialogCommand,           "IDC_BUT_FILTER_DEFINE", "IDD_FILTER"),
        (DialogCommand,           "IDC_BUT_TRAIN_NOW", "IDD_TRAINING"),
        (CommandButtonProcessor,  "IDC_BUT_ABOUT", ShowAbout, ()),
    "IDD_FILTER_NOW" : (
        (CloseButtonProcessor,    "IDOK IDCANCEL"),
        (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_UNREAD",    "Filter_Now.only_unread"),
        (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_UNSEEN",    "Filter_Now.only_unseen"),
        (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_ACT_ALL IDC_BUT_ACT_SCORE",
        (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_FOLDER_NAMES IDC_BROWSE",
        (AsyncCommandProcessor,   "IDC_START IDC_PROGRESS IDC_PROGRESS_TEXT",
                                  filter.filterer, "Start Filtering", "Stop Filtering",
                                  "IDC_BUT_UNSEEN IDC_BUT_UNREAD IDC_BROWSE " \
                                  "IDOK IDC_BUT_ACT_SCORE IDC_BUT_ACT_ALL"),
    "IDD_FILTER" : (
        (CloseButtonProcessor,    "IDOK IDCANCEL"),
        (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_FOLDER_WATCH IDC_BROWSE_WATCH",
        (ComboProcessor,          "IDC_ACTION_CERTAIN", "Filter.spam_action"),

        (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_FOLDER_CERTAIN IDC_BROWSE_CERTAIN",
        (EditNumberProcessor,     "IDC_EDIT_CERTAIN IDC_SLIDER_CERTAIN",
        (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_FOLDER_UNSURE IDC_BROWSE_UNSURE",
        (EditNumberProcessor,     "IDC_EDIT_UNSURE IDC_SLIDER_UNSURE",
        (ComboProcessor,          "IDC_ACTION_UNSURE", "Filter.unsure_action"),
        (DialogCommand,           "IDC_BUT_FILTER_NOW", "IDD_FILTER_NOW"),
    "IDD_TRAINING" : (
        (CloseButtonProcessor,    "IDOK IDCANCEL"),
        (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_STATIC_HAM IDC_BROWSE_HAM",
        (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_STATIC_SPAM IDC_BROWSE_SPAM",
        (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_RESCORE",    "Training.rescore"),
        (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_REBUILD",    "Training.rebuild"),
        (AsyncCommandProcessor,   "IDC_START IDC_PROGRESS IDC_PROGRESS_TEXT",
                                  train.trainer, "Start Training", "Stop",
                                  "IDC_BROWSE_HAM IDC_BROWSE_SPAM " \
                                  "IDC_BUT_REBUILD IDC_BUT_RESCORE"),

Index: __init__.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/__init__.py,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.2.4.1
*** __init__.py	19 Oct 2002 18:14:01 -0000	1.2
--- __init__.py	4 Aug 2003 07:21:15 -0000
*** 1,2 ****
--- 1,19 ----
  # This package defines dialog boxes used by the main
  # SpamBayes Outlook 2k integration code.
+ def LoadDialogs(rc_file = "dialogs.rc"):
+     import os
+     from resources import rcparser
+     if not os.path.isabs(rc_file):
+         rc_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( rcparser.__file__ ), rc_file)
+     return rcparser.ParseDialogs(rc_file)
+ def ShowDialog(parent, manager, idd):
+     """Displays another dialog"""
+     if manager.dialog_parser is None:
+         manager.dialog_parser = LoadDialogs()
+     import dialog_map
+     commands = dialog_map.dialog_map[idd]
+     import dlgcore
+     dlg = dlgcore.Dialog(parent, manager, idd, commands)
+     dlg.DoModal()

Index: test_dialogs.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/Attic/test_dialogs.py,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.6 -r1.1.2.7
*** test_dialogs.py	4 Aug 2003 06:55:19 -0000
--- test_dialogs.py	4 Aug 2003 07:21:15 -0000
*** 1,4 ****
! # Hack for testing - setup sys.path
  if __name__=='__main__':
          import spambayes.Options
--- 1,5 ----
! # Test code for the SpamBayes dialogs.
  if __name__=='__main__':
+     # Hack for testing - setup sys.path
          import spambayes.Options
*** 7,214 ****
          sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..", "..")))
          sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..")))
- from processors import *
- from opt_processors import *
- # "dialog specific" processors:
- class VersionStringProcessor(ControlProcessor):
-     def Init(self):
-         from spambayes.Version import get_version_string
-         import sys
-         version_key = "Full Description"
-         if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
-             version_key += " Binary"
-         version_string = get_version_string("Outlook", version_key)
-         win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetControl(), win32con.WM_SETTEXT,
-                              0, version_string)
-     def GetPopupHelpText(self, cid):
-         return "The version of SpamBayes running"
- class TrainingStatusProcessor(ControlProcessor):
-     def Init(self):
-         bayes = self.window.manager.bayes
-         nspam = bayes.nspam
-         nham = bayes.nham
-         if nspam > 0 and nham > 0:
-             db_status = "Database has %d good and %d spam" % (nham, nspam)
-         else:
-             db_status = "Database has no training information"
-         win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetControl(), win32con.WM_SETTEXT,
-                              0, db_status)
- class FilterEnableProcessor(BoolButtonProcessor):
-     def UpdateValue_FromControl(self):
-         check = win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetControl(), win32con.BM_GETCHECK)
-         if check:
-             reason = self.window.manager.GetDisabledReason()
-             if reason is not None:
-                 win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetControl(), win32con.BM_SETCHECK, 0)
-                 raise ValueError, reason
-         check = not not check # force bool!
-         self.SetOptionValue(check)
- class FilterStatusProcessor(ControlProcessor):
-     def OnOptionChanged(self, option):
-         self.Init()
-     def Init(self):
-         manager = self.window.manager
-         reason = manager.GetDisabledReason()
-         if reason is not None:
-             win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetControl(), win32con.WM_SETTEXT,
-                                  0, reason)
-             return
-         if not manager.config.filter.enabled:
-             status = "Filtering is disabled.  Select 'Enable Filtering' to enable"
-             win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetControl(), win32con.WM_SETTEXT,
-                                  0, status)
-             return
-         # ok, enabled and working - put together the status text.
-         config = manager.config.filter
-         certain_spam_name = manager.FormatFolderNames(
-                                       [config.spam_folder_id], False)
-         if config.unsure_folder_id:
-             unsure_name = manager.FormatFolderNames(
-                                     [config.unsure_folder_id], False)
-             unsure_text = "unsure managed in '%s'" % (unsure_name,)
-         else:
-             unsure_text = "unsure messages untouched"
-         watch_names = manager.FormatFolderNames(
-                         config.watch_folder_ids, config.watch_include_sub)
-         filter_status = "Watching '%s'. Spam managed in '%s', %s" \
-                                 % (watch_names,
-                                    certain_spam_name,
-                                    unsure_text)
-         win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetControl(), win32con.WM_SETTEXT,
-                              0, filter_status)
- def ShowAbout(mgr):
-     """Displays the main SpamBayes documentation in your Web browser"""
-     import sys, os
-     if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
-         # Same directory as to the executable.
-         fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),
-                                 "about.html")
-     else:
-         # In the parent (ie, main Outlook2000) dir
-         fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
-                                 os.pardir,
-                                 "about.html")
-     fname = os.path.abspath(fname)
-     if os.path.isfile(fname):
-         SetWaitCursor(1)
-         os.startfile(fname)
-         SetWaitCursor(0)
-     else:
-         print "Cant find about - fix messagebox"
-         self.MessageBox("Can't find about.html")
- class DialogCommand(ButtonProcessor):
-     def __init__(self, window, control_ids, idd):
-         self.idd = idd
-         ButtonProcessor.__init__(self, window, control_ids)
-     def OnClicked(self, id):
-         parent = self.window.hwnd
-         # Thos form and the other form may "share" options, or at least
-         # depend on others.  So we must save the current form back to the
-         # options object, display the new dialog, then reload the current
-         # form from the options object/
-         self.window.SaveAllControls()
-         ShowDialog(parent, self.window.manager, self.idd)
-         self.window.LoadAllControls()
-     def GetPopupHelpText(self, id):
-         dd = self.window.manager.dialog_parser.dialogs[self.idd]
-         return "Displays the %s dialog" % dd.caption
- from async_processor import AsyncCommandProcessor
- import filter, train
- dialog_map = {
-     "IDD_MANAGER" : (
-         (CloseButtonProcessor,    "IDOK IDCANCEL"),
-         (VersionStringProcessor,  "IDC_VERSION"),
-         (TrainingStatusProcessor, "IDC_TRAINING_STATUS"),
-         (FilterEnableProcessor,   "IDC_BUT_FILTER_ENABLE", "Filter.enabled"),
-         (FilterStatusProcessor,   "IDC_FILTER_STATUS"),
-         (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_TRAIN_FROM_SPAM_FOLDER",
-                                   "Training.train_recovered_spam"),
-         (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_TRAIN_TO_SPAM_FOLDER",
-                                   "Training.train_manual_spam"),
-         (DialogCommand,           "IDC_BUT_FILTER_NOW", "IDD_FILTER_NOW"),
-         (DialogCommand,           "IDC_BUT_FILTER_DEFINE", "IDD_FILTER"),
-         (DialogCommand,           "IDC_BUT_TRAIN_NOW", "IDD_TRAINING"),
-         (CommandButtonProcessor,  "IDC_BUT_ABOUT", ShowAbout, ()),
-     ),
-     "IDD_FILTER_NOW" : (
-         (CloseButtonProcessor,    "IDOK IDCANCEL"),
-         (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_UNREAD",    "Filter_Now.only_unread"),
-         (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_UNSEEN",    "Filter_Now.only_unseen"),
-         (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_ACT_ALL IDC_BUT_ACT_SCORE",
-                                                        "Filter_Now.action_all"),
-         (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_FOLDER_NAMES IDC_BROWSE",
-                                   "Filter_Now.folder_ids",
-                                   "Filter_Now.include_sub"),
-         (AsyncCommandProcessor,   "IDC_START IDC_PROGRESS IDC_PROGRESS_TEXT",
-                                   filter.filterer, "Start Filtering", "Stop Filtering",
-                                   "IDC_BUT_UNSEEN IDC_BUT_UNREAD IDC_BROWSE " \
-                                   "IDOK IDC_BUT_ACT_SCORE IDC_BUT_ACT_ALL"),
-     ),
-     "IDD_FILTER" : (
-         (CloseButtonProcessor,    "IDOK IDCANCEL"),
-         (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_FOLDER_WATCH IDC_BROWSE_WATCH",
-                                   "Filter.watch_folder_ids",
-                                   "Filter.watch_include_sub"),
-         (ComboProcessor,          "IDC_ACTION_CERTAIN", "Filter.spam_action"),
-         (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_FOLDER_CERTAIN IDC_BROWSE_CERTAIN",
-                                   "Filter.spam_folder_id"),
-         (EditNumberProcessor,     "IDC_EDIT_CERTAIN IDC_SLIDER_CERTAIN",
-                                   "Filter.spam_threshold"),
-         (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_FOLDER_UNSURE IDC_BROWSE_UNSURE",
-                                   "Filter.unsure_folder_id"),
-         (EditNumberProcessor,     "IDC_EDIT_UNSURE IDC_SLIDER_UNSURE",
-                                   "Filter.unsure_threshold"),
-         (ComboProcessor,          "IDC_ACTION_UNSURE", "Filter.unsure_action"),
-         (DialogCommand,           "IDC_BUT_FILTER_NOW", "IDD_FILTER_NOW"),
-     ),
-     "IDD_TRAINING" : (
-         (CloseButtonProcessor,    "IDOK IDCANCEL"),
-         (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_STATIC_HAM IDC_BROWSE_HAM",
-                                   "Training.ham_folder_ids",
-                                   "Training.ham_include_sub"),
-         (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_STATIC_SPAM IDC_BROWSE_SPAM",
-                                   "Training.spam_folder_ids",
-                                   "Training.spam_include_sub"),
-         (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_RESCORE",    "Training.rescore"),
-         (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_REBUILD",    "Training.rebuild"),
-         (AsyncCommandProcessor,   "IDC_START IDC_PROGRESS IDC_PROGRESS_TEXT",
-                                   train.trainer, "Start Training", "Stop",
-                                   "IDC_BROWSE_HAM IDC_BROWSE_SPAM " \
-                                   "IDC_BUT_REBUILD IDC_BUT_RESCORE"),
-     )
- }
- def LoadDialogs(rc_file):
-     from dialogs.resources import rcparser
-     if not os.path.isabs(rc_file):
-         rc_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( rcparser.__file__ ), rc_file)
-     return rcparser.ParseDialogs(rc_file)
- def ShowDialog(parent, manager, idd):
-     """Displays another dialog"""
-     commands = dialog_map[idd]
-     import dlgcore
-     dlg = dlgcore.Dialog(parent, manager, idd, commands)
-     dlg.DoModal()
- if __name__=='__main__':
      import manager
      mgr = manager.GetManager()
!     mgr.dialog_parser = LoadDialogs("dialogs.rc")
      ShowDialog(0, mgr, "IDD_MANAGER")
--- 8,14 ----
          sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..", "..")))
          sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..")))
      import manager
      mgr = manager.GetManager()
!     from dialogs import ShowDialog
      ShowDialog(0, mgr, "IDD_MANAGER")

--- AsyncDialog.py DELETED ---

--- DialogGlobals.py DELETED ---

--- FilterDialog.py DELETED ---

--- ManagerDialog.py DELETED ---

--- TrainingDialog.py DELETED ---

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