[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes timtest.py,1.8,1.9

Tim Peters tim_one@users.sourceforge.net
Fri, 06 Sep 2002 15:47:50 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv19153

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Moved this along toward being more pluggable.  Nuked the drive() function
and renamed Jeremy's jdrive() to drive().  Factored out code for
displaying a msg.  Repaired some output so that rates.py can find the
output it's looking for.  Sped the determination of the best
discriminators via using an nbest heap instead of materializing the
whole wordinfo dict into a list and sorting it.

Index: timtest.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/timtest.py,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -d -r1.8 -r1.9
*** timtest.py	6 Sep 2002 19:26:34 -0000	1.8
--- timtest.py	6 Sep 2002 22:47:48 -0000	1.9
*** 9,12 ****
--- 9,13 ----
  from sets import Set
  import cPickle as pickle
+ from heapq import heapreplace
  import Tester
*** 56,59 ****
--- 57,71 ----
+ def printmsg(msg, prob, clues, charlimit=None):
+     print msg.tag
+     print "prob =", prob
+     for clue in clues:
+         print "prob(%r) = %g" % clue
+     print
+     guts = msg.guts
+     if charlimit is not None:
+         guts = guts[:charlimit]
+     print guts
  class Msg(object):
      def __init__(self, dir, name):
*** 78,81 ****
--- 90,96 ----
          self.directory = directory
+     def __str__(self):
+         return self.directory
      def produce(self):
          directory = self.directory
*** 86,93 ****
          return self.produce()
  class Driver:
!     def __init__(self):
!         self.nbuckets = 40
          self.falsepos = Set()
          self.falseneg = Set()
--- 101,116 ----
          return self.produce()
+ # Loop:
+ #     train() # on ham and spam
+ #     Loop:
+ #         test()   # on presumably new ham and spam
+ #     finishtest() # display stats against all runs on training set
+ # alldone()   # display stats against all runs
  class Driver:
!     def __init__(self, nbuckets=40):
!         self.nbuckets = nbuckets
          self.falsepos = Set()
          self.falseneg = Set()
*** 97,109 ****
      def train(self, ham, spam):
          self.classifier = classifier.GrahamBayes()
!         self.tester = Tester.Test(self.classifier)
!         print "Training on", ham, "&", spam, "..."
!         self.tester.train(ham, spam)
          self.trained_ham_hist = Hist(self.nbuckets)
          self.trained_spam_hist = Hist(self.nbuckets)
!     def finish(self):
!         printhist("all in this set:",
                    self.trained_ham_hist, self.trained_spam_hist)
          self.global_ham_hist += self.trained_ham_hist
--- 120,134 ----
      def train(self, ham, spam):
          self.classifier = classifier.GrahamBayes()
!         t = self.tester = Tester.Test(self.classifier)
!         print "Training on", ham, "&", spam, "...",
!         t.train(ham, spam)
!         print t.nham, "hams &", t.nspam, "spams"
          self.trained_ham_hist = Hist(self.nbuckets)
          self.trained_spam_hist = Hist(self.nbuckets)
!     def finishtest(self):
!         printhist("all in this training set:",
                    self.trained_ham_hist, self.trained_spam_hist)
          self.global_ham_hist += self.trained_ham_hist
*** 127,136 ****
                  print "Low prob spam!", prob
-                 print msg.tag
                  prob, clues = c.spamprob(msg, True)
!                 for clue in clues:
!                     print "prob(%r) = %g" % clue
!                 print
!                 print msg.guts
--- 152,157 ----
                  print "Low prob spam!", prob
                  prob, clues = c.spamprob(msg, True)
!                 printmsg(msg, prob, clues)
*** 148,158 ****
          for e in newfpos:
              print '*' * 78
-             print e.tag
              prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
!             print "prob =", prob
!             for clue in clues:
!                 print "prob(%r) = %g" % clue
!             print
!             print e.guts
          newfneg = Set(t.false_negatives()) - self.falseneg
--- 169,174 ----
          for e in newfpos:
              print '*' * 78
              prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
!             printmsg(e, prob, clues)
          newfneg = Set(t.false_negatives()) - self.falseneg
*** 161,188 ****
          for e in []:#newfneg:
              print '*' * 78
-             print e.tag
              prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
!             print "prob =", prob
!             for clue in clues:
!                 print "prob(%r) = %g" % clue
!             print
!             print e.guts[:1000]
          print "    best discriminators:"
!         stats = [(r.killcount, w) for w, r in c.wordinfo.iteritems()]
-         del stats[:-30]
          for count, w in stats:
              r = c.wordinfo[w]
              print "        %r %d %g" % (w, r.killcount, r.spamprob)
          printhist("this pair:", local_ham_hist, local_spam_hist)
          self.trained_ham_hist += local_ham_hist
          self.trained_spam_hist += local_spam_hist
! def jdrive():
      d = Driver()
--- 177,203 ----
          for e in []:#newfneg:
              print '*' * 78
              prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
!             printmsg(e, prob, clues, 1000)
          print "    best discriminators:"
!         stats = [(-1, None) for i in range(30)]
!         smallest_killcount = -1
!         for w, r in c.wordinfo.iteritems():
!             if r.killcount > smallest_killcount:
!                 heapreplace(stats, (r.killcount, w))
!                 smallest_killcount = stats[0][0]
          for count, w in stats:
+             if count < 0:
+                 continue
              r = c.wordinfo[w]
              print "        %r %d %g" % (w, r.killcount, r.spamprob)
          printhist("this pair:", local_ham_hist, local_spam_hist)
          self.trained_ham_hist += local_ham_hist
          self.trained_spam_hist += local_spam_hist
! def drive():
      d = Driver()
*** 193,296 ****
              d.test(MsgStream(hd2), MsgStream(sd2))
!         d.finish()
- def drive():
-     nbuckets = 40
-     falsepos = Set()
-     falseneg = Set()
-     global_ham_hist = Hist(nbuckets)
-     global_spam_hist = Hist(nbuckets)
-     for spamdir, hamdir in SPAMHAMDIRS:
-         c = classifier.GrahamBayes()
-         t = Tester.Test(c)
-         print "Training on", hamdir, "&", spamdir, "...",
-         t.train(MsgStream(hamdir), MsgStream(spamdir))
-         print t.nham, "hams &", t.nspam, "spams"
-         trained_ham_hist = Hist(nbuckets)
-         trained_spam_hist = Hist(nbuckets)
-         fp = file('w.pik', 'wb')
-         pickle.dump(c, fp, 1)
-         fp.close()
-         for sd2, hd2 in SPAMHAMDIRS:
-             if (sd2, hd2) == (spamdir, hamdir):
-                 continue
-             local_ham_hist = Hist(nbuckets)
-             local_spam_hist = Hist(nbuckets)
-             def new_ham(msg, prob):
-                 local_ham_hist.add(prob)
-             def new_spam(msg, prob):
-                 local_spam_hist.add(prob)
-                 if prob < 0.1:
-                     print
-                     print "Low prob spam!", prob
-                     print msg.path
-                     prob, clues = c.spamprob(msg, True)
-                     for clue in clues:
-                         print "prob(%r) = %g" % clue
-                     print
-                     print msg.guts
-             t.reset_test_results()
-             print "    testing against", hd2, "&", sd2, "...",
-             t.predict(MsgStream(sd2), True, new_spam)
-             t.predict(MsgStream(hd2), False, new_ham)
-             print t.nham_tested, "hams &", t.nspam_tested, "spams"
-             print "    false positive:", t.false_positive_rate()
-             print "    false negative:", t.false_negative_rate()
-             newfpos = Set(t.false_positives()) - falsepos
-             falsepos |= newfpos
-             print "    new false positives:", [e.path for e in newfpos]
-             for e in newfpos:
-                 print '*' * 78
-                 print e.path
-                 prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
-                 print "prob =", prob
-                 for clue in clues:
-                     print "prob(%r) = %g" % clue
-                 print
-                 print e.guts
-             newfneg = Set(t.false_negatives()) - falseneg
-             falseneg |= newfneg
-             print "    new false negatives:", [e.path for e in newfneg]
-             for e in []:#newfneg:
-                 print '*' * 78
-                 print e.path
-                 prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
-                 print "prob =", prob
-                 for clue in clues:
-                     print "prob(%r) = %g" % clue
-                 print
-                 print e.guts[:1000]
-             print
-             print "    best discriminators:"
-             stats = [(r.killcount, w) for w, r in c.wordinfo.iteritems()]
-             stats.sort()
-             del stats[:-30]
-             for count, w in stats:
-                 r = c.wordinfo[w]
-                 print "        %r %d %g" % (w, r.killcount, r.spamprob)
-             printhist("this pair:", local_ham_hist, local_spam_hist)
-             trained_ham_hist += local_ham_hist
-             trained_spam_hist += local_spam_hist
-         printhist("all in this set:", trained_ham_hist, trained_spam_hist)
-         global_ham_hist += trained_ham_hist
-         global_spam_hist += trained_spam_hist
-     printhist("all runs:", global_ham_hist, global_spam_hist)
  if __name__ == "__main__":
--- 208,213 ----
              d.test(MsgStream(hd2), MsgStream(sd2))
!         d.finishtest()
  if __name__ == "__main__":