[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000 msgstore.py,1.32,1.33

Mark Hammond mhammond@users.sourceforge.net
Sat Nov 23 04:58:59 2002

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv6187

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Change the way we detect unread messages (this seems to work with 
Exchange), skip all non "IPM.Note*" message classes, and remove debug 
print that doesn't seem necessary any more.

Index: msgstore.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/msgstore.py,v
retrieving revision 1.32
retrieving revision 1.33
diff -C2 -d -r1.32 -r1.33
*** msgstore.py	21 Nov 2002 02:57:05 -0000	1.32
--- msgstore.py	23 Nov 2002 04:58:56 -0000	1.33
*** 86,89 ****
--- 86,90 ----
  MESSAGE_MOVE = 0x1 # from MAPIdefs.h
+ MSGFLAG_READ = 0x1 # from MAPIdefs.h
  MYPR_BODY_HTML_A = 0x1013001e # magic <wink>
  MYPR_BODY_HTML_W = 0x1013001f # ditto
*** 282,285 ****
--- 283,292 ----
          folder = self.msgstore._OpenEntry(self.id)
          table = folder.GetContentsTable(0)
+         # Limit ourselves to IPM.Note objects - ie, messages.
+         restriction = (mapi.RES_PROPERTY,   # a property restriction
+                        (mapi.RELOP_GE,      # >=
+                         PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A,   # of the this prop
+                         (PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A, "IPM.Note"))) # with this value
+         table.Restrict(restriction, 0)
          table.SetColumns(prop_ids, 0)
*** 306,317 ****
          table.SetColumns(prop_ids, 0)
          # Set up the restriction
!         prop_restriction = (mapi.RES_PROPERTY,   # a property restriction
!                                (mapi.RELOP_EQ,      # check for equality
!                                 PR_CONTENT_UNREAD,   # of the unread flag
!                                 (PR_CONTENT_UNREAD, True))
!                             )
          exist_restriction = mapi.RES_EXIST, (field_id,)
          not_exist_restriction = mapi.RES_NOT, (exist_restriction,)
!         restriction = (mapi.RES_AND, (prop_restriction, not_exist_restriction))
          table.Restrict(restriction, 0)
          while 1:
--- 313,332 ----
          table.SetColumns(prop_ids, 0)
          # Set up the restriction
!         # Need to check message-flags - PR_CONTENT_UNREAD "optional"
!         prop_restriction = (mapi.RES_BITMASK,   # a bitmask restriction
!                                (mapi.BMR_EQZ,      # when bit is clear
!                                 PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS,
!                                 MSGFLAG_READ))
          exist_restriction = mapi.RES_EXIST, (field_id,)
          not_exist_restriction = mapi.RES_NOT, (exist_restriction,)
!         # A restriction for the message class
!         class_restriction = (mapi.RES_PROPERTY,   # a property restriction
!                              (mapi.RELOP_GE,      # >=
!                               PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A,   # of the this prop
!                               (PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A, "IPM.Note"))) # with this value
!         # Put the final restriction together
!         restriction = (mapi.RES_AND, (prop_restriction,
!                                       not_exist_restriction,
!                                       class_restriction))
          table.Restrict(restriction, 0)
          while 1:
*** 485,494 ****
                  sub = msg.get_payload(0)
                  body = sub.get_payload()
-         if not html and not body:
-             # MarkH has only ever seen this when it is indeed true!
-             # (generally as the message has an attachment and nothing else)
-             print "Couldn't find any useful body for message '%s'" \
-                   % (self.GetField(PR_SUBJECT_A),)
          return "%s\n%s\n%s" % (headers, html, body)
--- 500,503 ----

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