[spambayes-bugs] Spambayes repeatedly classifies messages frommailing list as SPAM

Ryan Malayter rmalayter at bai.org
Thu Sep 11 12:37:01 EDT 2003

From: Tim Peters [mailto:tim.one at comcast.net] 
> Umm ... there's nothing in the lines you show 
> there from which I can make any guess about how 
> many ham or spam you trained on.  Brian showed 
> more information than that, in particular he 
> showed a line for a word that had appeared in 
> ham but in no spam.  From *that* I can deduce 
> the ratio of ham/spam trained on, although 
> how to do so is far from obvious.

What exactly are '*H*' and '*S*' then? I thought they represented the
ratio of incoming ham to spam...

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