[Soap-Python] spyne, soaplib or other framework - connection pool

Mariano Reingart reingart at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 15:23:45 CEST 2012

Hello Sergey:

PySimpleSOAP support different transport like httplib2 and pycurl
(some with keep-alive support).
You can even use a custom transport if you wish.
Implementing a pool should not be difficult.

You can take a look at:


(if you can, use the repository version as they are more updates, I'll
publish a new release shortly)

Best regards,

Mariano Reingart

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 5:43 AM, Sergey Anufrienko
<sergey.anoufrienko at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, everyone!
> I've got a pretty high-load system written in Python, using soaplib
> 0.8 for making SOAP requests to a remote web service. Recently I've
> got complaints from the owner of the service about a very high number
> (thousands) of TCP connections from my system in TIME_WAIT state on
> their server, so I started looking into implementing a connection
> pool. As far as I have understood from the source code of both,
> soaplib 0.8 and the new Spyne library, they issue a short-living HTTP
> request for every call to a RPC method. Is there a
> documented/recommended way to implement a connection pool for use with
> these libraries, or perhaps a Python SOAP library which supports
> keeping an open connection alive and reusing it for future requests
> out of the box? Thank you!
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