[Soap-Python] Fwd: Date type rpclib

Burak Arslan burak.arslan at arskom.com.tr
Tue Oct 25 19:35:10 CEST 2011

On 10/25/11 19:03, Stéphan Bellegy wrote:
> Hello Burak,
> thanks for the dev repo.
> I'd like to test it but quite new to Python, I wouldn't like to break
> my existing platform.
> Is there a way to install 2 different version of the lib and switching
> from one to the other ?
> Would virtualenv be the solution ?

yes virtualenv would help, i would not suggest that to a newbie.

here's what you should do:

1) first clone my rpclib repository somewhere. git clone
2) in your server's main module, right after you import rpclib, add this:

print rpclib.__file__

note the shown file path.

3) in your server's main module, add those to top, before importing
anything rpclib-related:

import sys
# (where rpclib is checked out to: /path/to/the/cloned/rpclib/repo)

again, use 'print rpclib.__file__' and note that the file name has changed.

you can switch back to the stable(!) rpclib by commenting the
sys.path.append line.

let me know how this works.

best regards,

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