[Soap-Python] rpclib/soaplib

Chris Austin chris at sydneysys.com
Mon Jan 24 20:57:28 CET 2011

Hi Roman,

First off, your offer is most gracious and I'd love to take you up on it.

Second, I'd like to give you a little bit of background of where we
are hoping to go forward with soaplib.

We've recently released a new beta of soaplib 2.0.   So, we are
looking to find and quash as many bugs as we can without altering the
API further at this point.   Realistically, this means improving the

+test coverage
+test cases
+ interoperability testing with java and .net clients
+improved doc strings for modules and the public API
+improving the project documentation
+fixing bugs once bug reports for the 2.0 beta.
+and more maintenance items I am sure I've forgotten

Once we release a solid 2.0 we can start planning non-breaking changes
for 2.x.x and beyond.

I realize this might sound a bit drab but I want to be honest about
what your student would be expecting to get done.

If you and your students are still interested, feel free to contact me
and I can start moving forward with some planning.


On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 5:04 AM, Roman Prykhodchenko
<rprikhodchenko at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello guys,
> As I founded it, there are no fine-wroking python library for creating SOAP
> services. I have tested some of them and soaplib/rpclib seemed to be the
> best one.
> However Burak told me that this library i not ready to be used in production
> yet. I think I can help you with this issue.
> I am a lecturer at Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics. My
> students have to make their projects during this half-year. I teach third
> year students programming and I think it would be a great idea if they had
> an opportunity to work on real open-source projects rather than creating
> their own equation solvers or other useless apps. Here is my vision of such
> collaboration:
> - I ask students who would like to work on this project and we choose one
> - You select the supervisor for the student. The supervisor will be the
> student's "boss" and will give him tasks and help in solving complex
> problems.
> - The project should take student two-three months of time and you can
> decide which part(s) of the soaplib/rpclib can be developed by student
> during this term.
> - The student discusses tasks and agrees them with me.
> - When the tasks are agreed the student begins working on your library and
> writing his Project report.
> - During the term I will coordinate the student and will solve organization
> problems.
> - When the term is finished the student should complete all tasks, agreed on
> the beginning of the term and also the student should finish his Project
> report.
> - The student can continue working on soaplib/rpclib after the science
> project is finished, if he likes it.
> There some big advantages in such collaboration for all participants:
> - You get a contributor that is interested in working on your project.
> - The student gets the experience in working on a project that is useful for
> a real world.
> - You can get the stable and ready for production library with help of the
> student.
> - If soaplib/rpclib is interested to student he will continue working on it
> after the science project is finished.
> Please consider my proposal and tell me what do you think about such
> collaboration.
> Sincerely,
> Roman Prykhodchenko
> Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
> On Jan 22, 2011, at 1:08 PM, Burak Arslan wrote:
> On 01/16/11 15:34, Roman Prykhodchenko wrote:
> Hello Burak,
> As I can see you are one of the most active developers of rpclib/soaplib. I
> use this library for one of my projects that has to be very robust and
> stable.
> There are several versions of rpclib/soaplib on the github. There are a lot
> of mess in the documentation so I cannot understand what version is the
> latest stable version.
> There are some incompatibilities between different versions so I need to
> chose the most stable and well documented one. Can you help me to make a
> choice?
> Sincerely,
> Roman Prykhodchenko
> hi roman,
> it's correct that i've done most of the work on soaplib/rpclib, but there's
> still a lot to be done. don't base your work on anything you may find on
> github.com/arskom or github.com/plq, as i'm away (i'm in front of a computer
> once a week for a few hours) and not able to support anything.
> please divert any further correspondance to soap at python.org where the my
> successors as the maintainers of soaplib lurk.
> i wish you best of luck with your endeavors.
> burak
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