[Soap-Python] soaplib releases 0.8.2-alpha2 and 0.9-alpha1

Brad Allen bradallen137 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 25 00:58:30 CEST 2010

Thanks for your effort on this, Burak; I'm very glad to see soaplib
moving forward, especially with the new XML schema validation feature.

Does soaplib implement SOAP 1.2 as of yet? I'm still rather ignorant
about the spec and how much of it is supported currently by soaplib.

On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Burak Arslan
<burak.arslan at arskom.com.tr> wrote:
> Hello,
> During the past four weeks or so, I've done a good amount of work on
> soaplib, rewriting most of its server logic. While this resulted in
> changes to the public api as well, the migration requires mostly renames
> and some minor restructuring. (nowhere near what happened inside soaplib).
> However, I decided to maintain the 0.8 branch for a bit more to ease
> migration to the new api, and also to not upset those who are loyal
> followers of the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" camp. I also thought
> keeping the old api around will encourage people provide feedback on the
> new one, as it's not set on stone yet.
> While restoring the 0_8 version, I used "git rebase" instead of "git
> revert", in an effort to keep the history clean. However, this caused
> the SHA1 signatures of most commits to be regenerated, which means that
> it became incompatible with other forks of soaplib. So I deleted my repo
> and re-created it, to prevent any possible frustration.
> The big two features of 0.9 is strict input validation (that we get for
> free thanks to lxml) and proper namespace support. It also supports
> inheritance, enumerations, and other goodies. With this version, the
> client support is dropped -- please use suds as a soap client.
> As of now, the existing documentation is mostly outdated. You can look
> at tests/interopd.py for the new server layout.
> One last bit that I think is very important.
> If you use soaplib with other soap frameworks, please write tests
> against the tests/interopd.py in your own soap framework, and
> incorporate them to the soaplib test suite. This will prevent unpleasant
> surprises from happening when you're on a deadline. SOAP being the C++
> of messaging protocols, the subset of the spec YOU are using may have
> issues. Please report back your experience.
> Finally, you can get the new releases here:
> http://github.com/arskom/soaplib/downloads
> I hope the new soaplib releases are useful to you.
> Best regards,
> Burak
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