[Soap-Python] Interoperability problem between soaplib and MS .Net 3.5 SOAP

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Mon Apr 12 09:18:22 CEST 2010

In data lunedì 12 aprile 2010 00:11:30, Burak Arslan ha scritto:
: > On 04/09/10 23:04, Christian Hudon wrote:
> > However, both the parameters
> > and results of the remote function call are seen as being wrapped in a
> > "say_hello" struct instead of simply being the paramters and return
> > value of the say_hello remote function.
> hi,
> this has been a known issue for some time now. the fix will break
> backwards compatibility, so unless there's a strong community consensus
> on changing this, i think it should stay as it is.


I use java and not python to provide web services for these compatibility 
issues, I think the soaplib services must be compatible with .NET and java 
implementations that are heavly used in enterprise environments, I think this 
is the only way to make python web services usable,

my main problem as python developer is to expose web services to other 
applications actually my solution is switch from python to java for web 

maybe you can do another fork on github with addtionals interoperability 
patches or maybe a configurable settings for example:


Am I the only one to use web services to interoperate beetween different 
applications running on different operating systems?



> burak
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