[Shtoom] Energy - How to Have More of It - Joe Merlo

paul.kholer paul.kholer paul.kholer at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 21:20:50 CEST 2007

 Joe Merlo

Something the successful business person needs is - lots of Energy! You need
Brain Energy and you need Body Energy. However as with any other kind of
energy, it's constantly being drained away and needs replacing.

Dealing with people, your customers and your team, can both drain your brain
and your body - and you probably don't need me to tell you that.

Let's look at Brain Energy - Imagine that you receive a letter from your
bank manager saying - - "I need you to come in and see me." If you react to
that with - "Oh no! What does he want, what's wrong now? Maybe he wants to
recall my loan." That sort of reaction drains your brain of energy and gives
you stress.

The successful business person doesn't react she thinks. Reacting drains the
brain - thinking, less so.

Get the thinking bit working and say to yourself - "I'll phone him now; I'll
speak to him and see what he wants. If it's about the poor business results,
what information do I need to make my case? Perhaps he wants to talk about
how I could develop the business." Whatever you're thinking - stop the
negative stuff - it'll kill you

If one of your people comes to you with a problem or you receive a customer
complaint, start thinking - "Let's see what I can do about this."

Do not, and I repeat - Do not say - "Oh no! What am I going to do now?"
Every time you say - "Oh no!" - your brain has a huge drain of energy.

I just want to say a few more words about stress. People will tell you that
there's good stress and bad stress. I'm talking about bad stress and it
occurs when your brain is drained of energy. Some business people seem to
believe that it "goes with the territory" and some even wear it as a "badge
of honour."

They also believe that it can't be avoided; it's part of being in business
and the world we live in. Organisations do have a responsibility to minimise
levels of stress in their workforce but we have a responsibility for

It's very important to minimise your levels of stress and you can do that by
thinking rather than reacting. Challenge your inbuilt programs, stop saying
- "That makes me really mad" or "That really gets on my nerves."

Start saying - "This is something I have to deal with and I'll deal with it"
- You have the choice.

I know your probably thinking (or is it reacting) - "That's all very well
Alan but its hard sometimes not to get stressed." You're absolutely right
however; let me give you some more reasons why you need to work at
minimising it.

Stress can cause heart disease, sleeplessness, sexual problems, overeating,
drinking too much, loss of concentration and stomach upsets. Research is now
telling us that many if not most of our illnesses can be related to stress.

When we get stressed a chemical is released into our bloodstream called
Cortisol, sometimes known as the Stress Hormone. High levels of Cortisol can
lead to diabetes and skin problems. There is also a suggestion that Cortisol
attacks our immune system and leaves us vulnerable to many of the bugs and
viruses that come along. This also includes cancer.

So if you've ever suffered from skin complaints or perhaps too many colds,
it could very well be the results of stress. I don't want to scare you death
or give you any more stress, I just want you to - think.

Now let's look at Body Energy -

So what about the body stress? The body and the brain are linked together so
when the brain drains of energy so does the body. However the body does a
lot of running about, up and down off the seat and often takes a bit of a
battering. For it to work well, it needs to be in good condition in the
first place. We should all know by now that if we eat too much or eat the
wrong things, smoke too much or drink too much alcohol, then our body is in
danger of breaking down.

Again it comes back to programming. I often tell people that I eat a lot of
salad. The response - "Salad is boring." - Not the way I make it, it isn't;
I put all sorts of things into a salad other than the green ingredients -
chillies, sun blush tomatoes, anchovies, tuna, sardines, chicken, olives,
cheese, sausage etc. Not all at once of course, I like a bit of variation on
the theme. So open up your mind and open up the fridge but be careful what
you take out. Remember - you won't get an ulcer from what you eat - you'll
get it from what's eating you.

If you want to be successful in business, then you're going to have to do
some exercise. Now I know you think you don't have the time. You may also be
the type that doesn't want to go to the gym and lift heavy things or leap
about in an aerobics class; however, you need to take some exercise that
makes you sweat a little. I'm sorry, but a round of golf doesn't count, it
isn't the kind of exercise you need. Golf is great and it's good for the
stress but it doesn't make you sweat.

If you're going to walk then walk fast for a distance, enough to push up the
heart rate and increase the breathing. (And don't run round the golf course
with your clubs on your back - that's going too far.)

Again, get your internal program right and start to think how you can make
your exercise enjoyable. I see some people at the health club making the
whole business a real chore. They get on a bike or a rowing machine and try
to kill themselves for twenty minutes. If that's your thing then fine but
please don't make it a chore, plug into the sound system and catch up with
what's on TV.

I like to do circuit classes with a whole group of people many of which have
become friends. I enjoy the chat beforehand, the music and the exercise.
(And I also like the fact - there are more girls than guys)

If you're really not into exercise then please make sure you have other
activities outside of your workplace and make them fun. Too many people are
going home and slumping in front of the TV - successful people don't do

So look after the body and the brain and you'll have lots of vroom!

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