[Shtoom] Data FLow

O-Zone liste at zerozone.it
Fri Jan 21 12:48:27 CET 2005

Hi Shtoom developers,
i'm working on a SIP client (in Python and WX) heavily based on Shtoom. I 
decide to do this for some reasons:

1) Shtoom is not very user-friedly
2) Shtoom have a lot of GUIs that can confuse dummy users
3) Shtoom isn't very beatiful (GUI)

so my SIP client (UniversalSIPClient) try to resolve this tree points to have 
a professiona GPL product to share. At this point REGISTRATION works and also 
CALL ACKs but i need to do something abount codecs and audio managment. 
Because i want to do a portable client, i decide to use pyMedia package for 
audio (perhaps not the best solution available !) but this don't have CODECS 
support. I'm a bit confused also on AUDIO FLOW: what happen after user call 
acceptCall() function ? Where i get the audio data ?

Thanks! Oz  

O-Zone ! www.zerozone.it

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