[Shtoom] new version of playout patch -- sounds okay on Mac, not on Linux

Zooko O'Whielacronx zooko at zooko.com
Tue Feb 22 20:15:14 CET 2005

This version of the patch fixes a bug which prevented Mac Shtoom from 
sending any RTP.

With this patch, playout sounds okay on Mac, as far as I can tell.  It 
sounds awful on Linux, because the huge playout buffer is bigger than 
the alsa fifo (see comments and docstrings in the patch for details).

I'll think about how to improve the situation on Linux.  I guess the 
trivial solution is to do this:

-PLAYOUT_BUFFER_SECONDS=0.8 # stuff up to this many seconds worth of 
packets into the audio output buffer
+if 'linux' in sys.platform.lower():
+    PLAYOUT_BUFFER_SECONDS=0.03 # stuff up to this many seconds worth 
of packets into the audio output buffer
+    PLAYOUT_BUFFER_SECONDS=0.8 # stuff up to this many seconds worth 
of packets into the audio output buffer

This is easy enough that it is worth me testing right now, but after I 
resubmit this patch, I'll be motivated to actually improve the playout 
buffer stuff, as documented in comments and docstrings herein.


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