[Shtoom] patch: move some tests from test/ to livetest/

Zooko O'Whielacronx zooko at zooko.com
Tue Feb 22 17:56:39 CET 2005

Problem 1:  Some tests require things like a good network, good DNS 
servers, etc., and these tests can show "FAILED" if the network is bad 
or disconnected even though the Shtoom source code itself has no bugs.

Problem 2: On my network in my workshop here, these tests take 1m30s to 
complete.  When I have to wait that long I get distracted and start 
reading e-mail, building little ships in bottles, or something, and my 
productivity plummets.

I've been encountering problem #2 just now as I'm running the Shtoom 
unit tests to test my new playout patch.

Proposed solution in this patch: move tests which require something in 
addition to working-Shtoom-source-code into a separate dir named 
"livetest".  After this patch it takes 1m30s to do "trial 
shtoom.livetest" and it takes 2s to do "trial shtoom.test".  This helps 
me work more efficiently.



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