[Shtoom] about those patches

Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn zooko at zooko.com
Mon Sep 20 12:15:55 CEST 2004

> I've applied those patches to svn, thanks! I made one
> small change, which is to leave RTP_PT_CN parameterised
> for the firewall-seeding packet.

I think we can have it just as parameterizable, but simpler.

Your current code looks like this:

# Sane systems
# Cisco
# No comfort noise at all
class RTPProtocol(DatagramProtocol):
     def sendFirstData(self):
         if RTP_PT_CN is not None:
             cnpt = RTP_PT_CN
             cnpt = 13
         hdr = struct.pack('!BBHII', 0x80, cnpt, self.seq, self.ts, 

I propose to change it to this:

# Sane systems
# Cisco
# No comfort noise at all
class RTPProtocol(DatagramProtocol):
     def sendFirstData(self):
         hdr = struct.pack('!BBHII', 0x80, RTP_PT_CN, self.seq, self.ts, 

If you think this simpler version is less parameterizable, then perhaps 
this is because you intended cnpt to be set at runtime?  But as far as 
I can tell, it isn't.



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