[Shtoom] software patents

Holger Blasum holgerlists at blasum.net
Thu Sep 16 20:53:07 CEST 2004

Hi shtoom,

700 hits for voice over ip in espacenet 

nice ...
attached is a blurb on swpat in europe ... it really *may* 
be at Council of Ministers at 24 Sept so warm up to contact your 
(national) MP.

If anybody is interested in going into voip patent
garbage specifically, please drop a note ;)


FFII: EU Software Patents in the Council: Status 

What's Happening:

We need to act now to tell our representatives not to support the EU Council's attempts to overturn the European law under which software is not patentable: http://kwiki.ffii.org/ShortIntroEn

Please tell your representatives to withdraw support for the EU Council's Software Patents Directive, or we may have to live with the results of this decision for a very long time.

  - Please send the Urgent Call to your representatives:
  - Please send postcards to your representatives:

Personal contacts make all the difference. We need MPs and MEPs and Ministers who deal with technology and innovation to receive multiple postcards and Urgent Call letters from their constituents.  Translations of the Urgent Call, sample postcards and Contact addresses are available for many countries at the above links.  If you don't find the information for your country, please add it.

Feedback and Pointers:

We conduct volunteer outreach via IRC every Monday night on #bxl-ffii at irc.debian.org.  You are welcome to come in at other times too. Web interface at: http://bxl-ffii.miernik.ctnet.pl

Send an e-mail to feedback at ffii.org with this form filled out to register for the following actions:

* am interested autumn camp (17-20 Sept 2004) in Markelo, NL
* Brussels conference, November
* if you would like to go to Brussels, answer me (Holger, posting 
  this) directly
    (we may try to help to arrange something)


Activity Status:

  - Volunteers in the Netherlands Convinced the Dutch Parliament to
    Withdraw Support for the Directive:
  - 48 Volunteers have Sent 217 Urgent Calls to 130 Recipients in
    11 Countries Since July 1 : http:LtrConsSend0406En
  - 8 Volunteers have Sent 19 Postcards to 18 Recipients in 8
    Countries Since August 21: http:PostkardSend0407En

Related News: http://kwiki.ffii.org/SwpatcninoEn

Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 GPG ACDFC3B769DC
NO Software Patents - Power to the Parliament!
http://kwiki.ffii.org/IrcEn #bxl-ffii at freenode, esp. Mon 19:30 CEST

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