[Security-sig] Unified TLS API for Python: Round 2

Cory Benfield cory at lukasa.co.uk
Sun Jan 22 11:34:39 EST 2017

> On 22 Jan 2017, at 16:23, Wes Turner <wes.turner at gmail.com> wrote:
> Looking at the GnuTLS manual [1], I see a number of potential additional configuration parameters:
> - session resumption (bool, expiration time)
> - Trust on first use (SSH-like)
> - DANE [2]

Remember that the goal of this API is not to support every configuration option supported by 1 or more concrete implementations. The goal of this API is to support the common superset of the most-used APIs as needed for TLS. TOFU at the TLS level is not in that scope. DANE is not widely supported. So the only question there is session resumption, which I think may well be in-scope, but probably doesn’t need to go in the API in v1.

> ... IDK about *args (and integer namedtuple field indexing). I also (these days) tend to disagree with items-accessible-as-attributes dicts because dashes and consistency of API.

Can you elaborate on this? I feel like I’m missing some context.

> 3. ciphers__.get(SCHANNEL) OR ciphers

Can you elaborate on this too?

> Are these exceptions redundant? Could they derive from the new TLSError as well as the existing comparable exception?

This module should be entirely unattached to the ssl module, IMO. This is most important because the ssl module doesn’t exist when Python is not linked against OpenSSL: being unable to define the exceptions in a “you don’t need OpenSSL module” because Python isn’t linked against OpenSSL seems like a pretty silly problem.

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