[Seattle-pug] line error on no. 7

ltc.hotspot at gmail.com ltc.hotspot at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 22:17:28 CEST 2015

Hi Everyone,

I'm writing python code to read a data text file, split the file into a list of words using the split(function) and to print the results in alphabetical order.

The raw python code is located at http://tinyurl.com/oua9uqx

The sample data is located at 

Desired Output: ['Arise', 'But', 'It', 'Juliet', 'Who', 'already', 'and', 'breaks', 'east', 'envious', 'fair', 'grief', 'is', 'kill', 'light', 'moon', 'pale', 'sick', 'soft', 'sun', 'the', 'through', 'what', 'window', 'with', 'yonder']

There is a line error on no. 7
What is the cause of this error?


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