[SciPy-User] ANN: pvlib-0.9.0 released

Dr. Mark Alexander Mikofski PhD mikofski at berkeley.edu
Fri Sep 3 14:38:41 EDT 2021

  Dear Pythonistas and solar power enthusiasts,

On behalf of the maintainers, we're happy to announce a new release of
pvlib python:
software for simulating performance of photovoltaic solar energy systems.

*See what's new for v0.9.0:*
* https://pvlib-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/whatsnew.html

*Releases are available from PyPI and the conda-forge channel:*
* https://pypi.org/project/pvlib/
* https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/pvlib-python

*Read the Documentation:*
* https://pvlib-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html

*Report issues & contribute:*
* https://github.com/pvlib/pvlib-python

* There are some breaking changes
so please read the Release Notes carefully before updating.
* pvlib now has a new Array class
represents groups of identical modules that are part of a PVSystem but have
the same orientation and mounting type.
* The PVSystem class
now model a combination of arrays each with different orientations,
modules, and mounting types.
* pvlib completed a very successful GSoC
<https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/>, which added several new iotools
like get_bsrn()
, get_pvgis_hourly()
, get_cams()
and more. Special thanks to Adam R. Jensen <https://predictablysunny.com/>,
Kevin Anderson, and many reviewers who helped!
* Many bug fixes
a fix to Perez <https://github.com/pvlib/pvlib-python/issues/1238> contributed
by Clean Power Research. Read their blog
learn more about how they're contributing to pvlib. Thanks!

*The maintainers thank you for using pvlib python!*

Mark Mikofski, PhD (2005)
*Fiat Lux*
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