[SciPy-User] Request for obscure text formats

James Anderson james.r.anderson at utah.edu
Sat Jun 26 15:14:13 EDT 2021

SerialEM is used on many TEM microscopes.  It has the .idoc and .log files.  I'm not sure if it is obscure enough but if you are looking for random data sets it may help.

idoc: http://internal.connectomes.utah.edu/RC2/TEM/1445/TEM/1445.idoc
log: http://internal.connectomes.utah.edu/RC2/TEM/1445/TEM/1445.log

Context, if needed, and many links to other .idoc and .log examples.  The stats and plots are all generated from data contained in the .idoc and .log files.

Have Fun,

-----Original Message-----
From: SciPy-User <scipy-user-bounces+james.r.anderson=utah.edu at python.org> On Behalf Of David Hagen
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2021 5:32 AM
To: SciPy Users List <scipy-user at python.org>
Subject: [SciPy-User] Request for obscure text formats


I am looking for examples of obscure text file formats. These files are often generated by scientific instruments to be read by their proprietary software. Or they might come from a program not intended to be machine readable. These examples are for some motivation slides for my SciPy conference talk [1] on Parsita.

If you have an example, please send it my way. If you don't want to send a whole file, enough text to fill a slide is sufficient.

Thanks so much!

David Hagen

[1] https://www.scipy2021.scipy.org/schedule
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