[SciPy-User] Trying to understand Distributions

Keith Sloan keith at sloan-home.co.uk
Thu Jul 15 11:05:26 EDT 2021

Okay I now have three fits

I got rid of the clipping on Galaxy Count but gamma and norm still look 
very similar. Is there another distribution like
gamma  but instead of being fatter before the peak is fatter after the 
peak and would be a better match? i.e in the area
between 2.3 and 2.4

I know there are similar distributions to expon but nor familiar with 
them. 'Count In Cyl' are integer counts so bin set accordingly
but would prefer a distribution where the red line went through the 
midpoint of each bar of the histogram

Happy with 'Distance to 5nn' and gamma fit.

Thanks in anticipation.

========== Art & Ceramics ===========

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