[SciPy-User] Help coding some math i have little understanding of

David Mikolas david.mikolas1 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 19:40:39 EST 2020

Yes, I think this is not a question about SciPy at all, but about how to
write a python program using these equations.

If you can use some Python then I will find some place in Stack Exchange
and get a question started for you, then link back here. Does that sound
useful to you?

On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 5:55 PM Schuldei, Andreas <
andreas.schuldei at th-luebeck.de> wrote:

> Thank you for looking into this. I am in the process of working thought
> the referenced paper by frank Haber from 1974. It is actually good at
> mentioning the single steps of the math.
> But apart from the juggling with terms of the bessel functions, I notice
> that I need an introduction into *coding* with bessel functions. E.g.: For
> infinte sums, do I need to iterate over the orders of the Bessel functions
> and add them up until I am satisfied with my accuracy? It seems to be an
> unpopular topic and the ones that know might find it obvious and dont blog
> or youtube about it. So my problem starts out rather basic. most likely
> more come once i understand more - such is the nature of learning 😊
> ------------------------------
> *Von:* SciPy-User <scipy-user-bounces+andreas.schuldei=
> th-luebeck.de at python.org> im Auftrag von David Mikolas <
> david.mikolas1 at gmail.com>
> *Gesendet:* Samstag, 5. Dezember 2020 04:13:49
> *An:* SciPy Users List
> *Betreff:* Re: [SciPy-User] Help coding some math i have little
> understanding of
> Not the same paper but looks pretty similar, both links seem to show the
> same paper.
> https://www.ipen.br/biblioteca/cd/ieee/1999/Proceed/00465.pdf
> https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=667734&tag=1
> It's an infinite series solution and with Br and Bphi one can construct
> the whole 3D vector field because Bz is almost the same as Bphi in this
> case.
> In addition to here, you could also consider posting an answer in
> Electronics Stack Exchange, but have a look around first, questions need to
> be supported with all links, you should mention python and explain how far
> you've gotten and where you're stuck.
> On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 6:17 AM Robert Kern <robert.kern at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 4:45 PM Schuldei, Andreas <
>> andreas.schuldei at th-luebeck.de> wrote:
>>> I want to 3d plot the magnetic field of a twisted three phase cable, and
>>> found a paper giving the analytical solution of the field like
>>> <https://imgur.com/a/WeNuveE>this <https://imgur.com/a/WeNuveE#9aelprK>.
>>> There are more details in the paper, of course. Now I dont feel
>>> confident with this kind of math. Where can i find someone willing to help
>>> me with this? Its research in university, no coorporation involved. I would
>>> need help writing code representing these equations in python, calculating
>>> the field`s vecors in one point r, phi. I dont ask that you do the work for
>>> me, I am not dense either. its just that i dont even know where to start
>>> with this math.
>>> Who ever wants to have a look at the whole paper for further details, it
>>> is
>>> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CuXA0Elgw1RsjzLpO7YQ9gDgF41_ToHT/view?usp=sharing>
>>> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CuXA0Elgw1RsjzLpO7YQ9gDgF41_ToHT/view?usp=sharing>
>>> .
>> Hi Andreas,
>> The link to the whole paper didn't make it through. We would need to see
>> that for enough context to help. Spherical coordinates have an
>> overabundance of notational conventions, so we'd need to see the whole text
>> to see what they intended.
>> --
>> Robert Kern
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