[SciPy-User] Interpolator coefficients for Radau method in solve_ivp

Travis Czechorski tjczec01 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 17:11:53 EDT 2020


I am trying to figure out how to calculate the following coefficients in
the source code for the Radau integration method.

# Interpolator coefficients.P = np.array([ [13/3 + 7*S6/3, -23/3 - 22*S6/3,
10/3 + 5 * S6],
  [13/3 - 7*S6/3, -23/3 + 22*S6/3, 10/3 - 5 * S6],
 [1/3, -8/3, 10/3]])

I read that it uses a cubic polynomial to interpolate, can someone provide
me with the process to calculate these coefficients?


On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 5:10 PM Travis Czechorski <tjczec01 at gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I am trying to figure out how to calculate the following coefficients in
> the source code for the Radau integration method.
> # Interpolator coefficients.P = np.array([ [13/3 + 7*S6/3, -23/3 - 22*S6/3,
> 10/3 + 5 * S6],
>   [13/3 - 7*S6/3, -23/3 + 22*S6/3, 10/3 - 5 * S6],
>  [1/3, -8/3, 10/3]])
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