[SciPy-User] [Numpy-discussion] GSoD - Technical Writter

Chris Barker - NOAA Federal chris.barker at noaa.gov
Sun May 19 16:35:35 EDT 2019

> a responsive web page may not be an absolute requirement, but still it
may be nice to be able to read the docs from a tablet or smartphone.

Unfortunately I am not familiar yet with Sphinx, but I hope that it can be
integrated with Jekyll or Hugo, and then one of their templates can be used.

Sphinx is powerful, featurefull, and the standard doc system for Python.
Let’s just stick with that.

But there are a LOT of themes available for Sphinx— I’m sure there are
responsive ones  out there that could be used or adapted.


You might check out the bootstrap theme:



About the content of the User Guide etc. I don't see any obvious
improvement that is needed (maybe because I have not read them yet). One
thing that may help is making the code examples interactive, so that the
readers can play with them and see how the results change. For example this
may be useful: https://github.com/RunestoneInteractive/RunestoneComponents

The two changes that I have suggested above seem more like engineering work
(for improving the documentation infrastructure), than documentation work.
For making a content that can be easily grasped by the beginners, I think
that it should be presented as a series of problems and their solutions. In
other words don't show the users the features and their details, but ask
them to solve a simple problem, and then show them how to solve it with
NumPy/SciPy and its features. This would make it more attractive because
people usually don't like to read manuals from beginning to the end. This
is a job that can be done by the teachers for their students, having in
mind the level of their students and what they actually want them to learn.
I have noticed that there are already some lectures, or books, or tutorials
like this. This is a creative work, with a specific target audience in
mind, so I can't pretend that I can possibly do something useful about this
in a short time (2-3 months). But of course the links to the existing
resources can be made more visible and reachable from the main page of the

Best regards,

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