[SciPy-User] np.array_equal for sparse arrays

Michael Lamparski diagonaldevice at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 11:43:34 EDT 2018

Hello everyone,

I feel like I am missing something.  It seems that sparse matrices have no
'any' method or anything useful regarding equality.  Is there not a better
way to write this?

def sparse_equal(a, b):
    Equality test for sparse matrices which performs standard floating
point equality,
    allows mismatched types, considers missing elements equal to zero, and
    requires identical shape (no broadcasting)
    return a.shape == b.shape and not (a != b).data.any()

(I suppose I could also write 'not (a != b).nnz', since the implementation
of != appears to eliminate zeros, but I'm not sure if I should be relying
on that)

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