[SciPy-User] Tessellating PointCloud (ConvexHull? Delaunay)

Samuel Maybury samuel_maybury at me.com
Wed Mar 7 17:15:17 EST 2018

Hi guys,
Been looking to tesselate a 3D point cloud from array of form [[x1 y1 z1][x2 y2 z2]...[xn yn zn]].
I tried scipy.spatial.convexhull which worked decently, but has the notable limitation of not handling concaves. The STL I then extracted only had half the triangles, but I think I need to take that up with the maker of numpy-stl.
Still kinda new to scipy (and programming in general) so could someone informed please help?
From what I understand Delaunay triangulates every point in the cloud. Is there a way to limit it to only Tessellating to the nearest?
Or a better method for doing this?

Many thanks,

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