[SciPy-User] STL from nArray (Delauney)

Samuel Maybury samuel_maybury at me.com
Fri Mar 2 15:46:46 EST 2018

Hi all,
	I’m self-taught in Python for my university honours project and its been one hell of a journey. Simply put I’m designing a 3D scanner-printer hybrid to aid in the creation of prosthetic limbs. So long story short I’m running the system on an RPi and you can find more information here, if you want to help: https://github.com/AcrimoniousMirth/Project-Adam-3D-SCANNER-CODE <https://github.com/AcrimoniousMirth/Project-Adam-3D-SCANNER-CODE>

	So, in essence I have an array of form [[x1 y1 z1] [x2 y2 z2]… [xn yn zn]] and I need to turn it into an STL mesh. A forum member pointed me in the direction of scipy’s Delauney triangulation. 
	Now, the values were appended into the array such that each group (of unknown size) will have the same z value and the next will have the closest z value to that. Due to how it was generated (with OpenCv) I can’t be entirely sure but I believe each group with the same z value was written in the same order and so the first of z1 should be close to the first of z2.

	Your help is greatly appreciated as this is very new territory to me and I’m not sure where to start. This is the final hurdle in the way of me graduating with a pretty good accreditation and two charities are interested in the idea so it’d be a blessing to get it working!

Many thanks,

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