[SciPy-User] Conversion to graph adjacency list

Guillaume Gay guillaume at damcb.com
Sat Dec 8 12:31:57 EST 2018

Sorry, I saw your benchmark too late!

Le 8 décembre 2018 17:49:14 GMT+01:00, elastica at laposte.net a écrit :
>> Hmm. I'm not an expert here, but did you try using the "networkx"
>Of course I did. NetworkX has a very clean interface, clean code, is
>nicelly documented, well maintained, provides many features. But so
>slow :(
>Here are the results against the data file from my previous post:
>kruskal_networkX     : 29.411
>kruskal_python       : 3.021
>kruskal_gt           : 1.384
>kruskal_networkit    : 2.501
>kruskal_igraph       : 7.530
>kruskal_scipy        : 10.744
>kruskal_scipy_FAST   : 1.509
>NO error detected
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