[SciPy-User] Obtaining contour data

Nicolas Cellier contact at nicolas-cellier.net
Mon Oct 16 10:20:01 EDT 2017

It may help you


2017-10-16 15:31 GMT+02:00 ashwin .D <winash12 at gmail.com>:

> Hello,
>          I have height data on a two  dimensional equidistant latitude
> longitude grid and my ultimate goal is to calculate the curvature of the
> contours. Here is an illustration of what I want to do -
> http://www.indiana.edu/%7Egeog109/topics/10_Forces&Winds/sfc_trough.html.
> The data is plotted on a two dimensional latitude longitude grid and then
> the height contours are calculated. I am looking to obtain the coordinates
> of the contours(shown in red) in terms of latitude and longitude so that I
> can use that information  to calculate the curvature of the contour points
> using a least squares method. Is it possible to do this in Scipy ? The
> curvature of the earth is itself irrelevant in this case and it can be
> assumed to be flat.
> Regards,
> Ashwin.
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