[SciPy-User] How to use scipy/fitpack Fortran subroutines from Fortran code

Joe P Ninan indiajoe at gmail.com
Sun Nov 19 15:45:10 EST 2017

I want to use some of the Fortran subroutines in scipy/fitpack directly
from a Fortran code. (mainly the spline routines)
Which I later plan to convert to a python callable module using f2py

What is the best way to access these Fortran routines from another Fortran
I want to avoid copy pasting the subroutines unnecessarily into my fortran
code, if I can use the libraries from scipy installation on a computer.

"GNU/Linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste" -  GNU Generation

Joe Philip Ninan
Postdoctoral Researcher
525 Davey Lab,
Dept. of Astronomy & Astrophysics
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA-16802
Website: https://indiajoe.gitlab.io/
My GnuPG Public Key: https://indiajoe.gitlab.io/files/JPN_public.key
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