[SciPy-User] migration of all scipy.org

Propadovic Nenad npropadovic at gmail.com
Thu Mar 23 13:35:48 EDT 2017

Hello Ralf,

thanks for the answer.

Where did you find that outdated link, and does it still need fixing? Our
> own page on that is https://scipy.org/scipylib/mailing-lists.html, which
> was updated on 15 Nov last year from the scipy-user move.

Well I'm pretty sure I had seen that link somewhere at
https://scipy.org/scipylib/mailing-lists.html , all right, and that was
some time end of January or beginning of February. I do not see any
incongruent links there any more.

I had revisited the same page maybe two weeks later, and then found that
one of the last posts (maybe the last post) in the archive announced the

Maybe I clicked an old link google gave me from its cache? I really don't

Two things have not changed, however. The 'Read/Search'-links (pointing to
gmane) for all lists give me blank pages. Might be more an issue of gmane
(?), but still confusing for an unsuspecting new user. And the archive of
scipy-svn has its last entries in May 2016, which I'd probably understand
if I cared to think about it.

Not sure I was able to help,
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