[SciPy-User] Hello and first basic question

Propadovic Nenad npropadovic at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 02:41:06 EST 2017

Hello everybody,

I'd like to be sure: is this list the right place to ask detailed questions
about SciPy- (and maybe Numpy-) usage?

When I was trying to find answers to my questions some two weeks ago I was
rather confused with the original list basically ending around November
last year ... Yeah, yesterday I digged in again, and saw the post
announcing the switch to this location and now I'm here... But still, all
posts of some depth related to the questions I have seem to be at
stackoverflow... And I even saw a post somewhere recommending to use
stackoverflow for SciPy-related questions. So may I ask what's the
intention? Is stackoverflow actually the better place?

And related to that, is there a BD (as in BDFL) here? Or some group of BD-s?
I find it amazing that while math-applications of Python are all the rage
nowdays, this group, which would naturally be the center of it all, is very

Anyway, for my next (technical) question, I'll stick around here for the

Thanx in advance,
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