[SciPy-User] EuroSciPy 2017

Pierre de Buyl pierre.debuyl at kuleuven.be
Wed Feb 8 13:02:03 EST 2017

Dear Robert,

The official contact information for EuroSciPy is euroscipy-org at python.org or

The dates are not set yet as we are trying to arrange for the venue (the
previous venue could not be taken at our typical dates).

The official announcement will be posted on our Twitter account and also on the
NumPy and SciPy lists.

Best regards,


On Tue, Feb 07, 2017 at 04:28:01PM +0100, Robert Pollak wrote:
> Dear EuroSciPy team,
> I have noticed that EuroSciPy 2017 in Erlangen is announced as
> "upcoming" on https://conference.scipy.org/ . Is there already a date fixed?
> Best regards,
> Robert

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