[SciPy-User] Help about a function on Python - Renaud GEOFFROY

Guillaume Gay guillaume at damcb.com
Tue Dec 5 03:35:58 EST 2017

Hi Renaud,

Can you share your code somewhere, or try to reproduce your issue with a simplified code? It is hard to help you with your description only



Le 5 décembre 2017 09:32:03 GMT+01:00, Renaud Geoffroy <renaud.geoffroy at univ-lr.fr> a écrit :
>Hello, my name's Renaud Geoffroy and I'm a PhD in a laboratory named
>"LaSIE" at La Rochelle, France. My subject is about the use of
>rainwater on a roof as a passive cooling for builidings. I'm working on
>Python on a simplified model to represent the roof temperatures,
>coupled itself
>with a simplified model of building modelizing. I resolve the
>differential equation with the function "scipy.integrate.odeint". The
>issue appeared when I integrate the building model in the core module :
>instead of resolving the equations on all the time period, my program
>"stops" way before. No error but no results on all the time period. I
>don't know how to resolve it because perhaps it concerns the source
>code of the function "odeint".
>Yours faithfully,
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>SciPy-User at python.org

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