[SciPy-User] Scientific citation numpy.random.multinomial

Stephan Hoyer shoyer at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 17:12:25 EDT 2016

Hi Johannes,

If you delve into NumPy's source code, you'll discover that it uses the
Box-Muller transform:

Apparently this is known as the "Marsaglia polar method":


On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 1:42 AM, Johannes Radinger <
johannesradinger at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am using the function numpy.random.multinomial in my code and want
> to explicitly cite this function/method in a scientific (peer reviewed)
> article.
> What is the appropriate way to cite numpy.random.multinomial?
> I am aware that SciPy can be cited as:
> Jones E, Oliphant E, Peterson P, et al. SciPy: Open Source Scientific
> Tools for Python, 2001-,
> http://www.scipy.org/ [Online; accessed 2016-03-21].
> However, this is not specifically for the "random" library of numpy. Is
> there any other reference one can use?
> Best regards,
> Johannes
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