[SciPy-User] How to optimize 2D data with leastsq in Python?

josef.pktd at gmail.com josef.pktd at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 03:17:32 EDT 2016

It looks to me that if P is a constant, then A_i and n_i are not separately


On Sun, Jul 3, 2016 at 7:10 PM, Matt Newville <newville at cars.uchicago.edu>

> Nxkr,
> On Sat, Jul 2, 2016 at 4:02 AM, nxkryptor nxkr <nxkryptor at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I have data
>> <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwwhEMUIYGyTQXdVR2dvLXhfZnc> of the
>> form given below:
>> X   Y1  Y2  Y3  Y4  Y5  Y61.42857 4.83    4.58    4.43    4.31    4.22    4.141.40845 3.87    3.63    3.49    3.38    3.3 3.231.38889 3.17    2.93    2.79    2.69    2.62    2.561.36986 2.65    2.41    2.27    2.17    2.11    2.051.35135 2.27    2.02    1.88    1.78    1.72    1.67
>>     :     :       :       :       :        :      :1.01010 2.26    1.6 1.21    0.97    0.79    0.661.00000 2.01    1.44    1.1 0.88    0.73    0.62
>> I am trying to optimize a function of the form:
>> [image: enter image description here]
>> <http://i.stack.imgur.com/xfX0Y.png> [image: enter image description
>> here] <http://i.stack.imgur.com/aokSR.png>
>> Now my y variable has 6 columns, I can optimize one column (in MWE #3)
>> which I have done in the MWE. How can I optimize the function to get the
>> parameters A, n and B for all the 6 column values? In other words how can I
>> get the value one value of A, n and B for all 6 values of y.
>> *MWE*
>> import numpy as npfrom scipy.signal import argrelextremaimport scipy.interpolatefrom scipy.optimize import leastsq
>> with open('./exp_fit.dat', "r") as data:
>>     while True:
>>         line = data.readline()
>>         if not line.startswith('#'):
>>             break
>>     data_header = [i for i in line.strip().split('\t') if i]
>>     _data_ = np.genfromtxt(data, names = data_header, dtype = None, delimiter = '\t')
>> _data_.dtype.names = [j.replace('_', ' ') for j in _data_.dtype.names]
>> data = np.array(_data_.tolist())
>> x = _data_['X']
>> x_interp = np.linspace(x[-1], x[0], 100)
>> y = np.zeros(shape = (len(x), 6))
>> y_interp = np.zeros(shape = (len(x_interp), 6))for i in range(6):
>>     y[:, i] = data[:, i + 1]
>>     tck = scipy.interpolate.splrep(x[::-1], y[::-1, i], s=0)
>>     y_interp[::-1, i] = scipy.interpolate.splev(x_interp, tck, der = 0)
>> def residuals(p, y, x):
>>     A_lt, n_lt, B_lt, A_it, n_it, B_it, A_ht, n_ht, B_ht = p
>>     err = y - (1 / (1 / ((A_it * (15 ** (-n_it)) * np.exp(B_it * x / 1000)) + \
>>         (A_lt * (15 ** (-n_lt)) * np.exp(B_lt * x / 1000))) + \
>>         1 / (A_ht * (15 ** (-n_ht)) * np.exp(B_ht * x / 1000))))
>>     return err
>> p1 = [2.789E-05, 1.47, 9.368E+03, 2.789E-05, 1.47, 9.368E+03, 2.789E-05, 1.47, 9.368E+03]
>> plsq = leastsq(residuals, p1, args=(y_interp[:, 2], x_interp))
>> The question is also available on SO <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38155014/how-to-optimize-2d-data-with-leastsq-in-python>.
>> nxkr
> I strongly recommend writing a function for your power-law/exponential
> function, and calling that 3 times.   I assume your code does what you
> want, but it's far too messy to actually read.    Also, it seems somewhat
> odd that you are interpolating your data onto a finer x-grid (but
> backwards??) rather than simply fitting the data you actually have.   Maybe
> there's a good reason for that.  Finally, I believe you can read in your
> data much more simply with
>      data = np.loadtxt('./exp_fit.dat', skiprows=3)
> I'm afraid I do not actually understand what you are trying to do.  You
> ask   "How can I optimize the function to get the parameters A, n and B for
> all the 6 column values? In other words how can I get the value one value
> of A, n and B for all 6 values of y".
> Do you mean that you want to do 6 separate fits, one for each column?
> Or perhaps you mean that you want to fit 9 parameter values (3 each A, n,
> B for 3 of you exponential functions) to all of the data columns
> simultaneously?   Or perhaps you mean something else entirely (for example
> that you mean one value for A, but a different value for n and B for each
> column).    Sorry, but I can't tell.
> Finally, just so you're aware, fitting multiple damped exponential
> functions is often very difficult.
> --Matt Newville
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