[SciPy-User] How to optimize 2D data with leastsq in Python?

nxkryptor nxkr nxkryptor at gmail.com
Sat Jul 2 05:02:51 EDT 2016

I have data <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwwhEMUIYGyTQXdVR2dvLXhfZnc>
of the form given below:

X   Y1  Y2  Y3  Y4  Y5  Y61.42857 4.83    4.58    4.43    4.31    4.22
   4.141.40845 3.87    3.63    3.49    3.38    3.3 3.231.38889 3.17
2.93    2.79    2.69    2.62    2.561.36986 2.65    2.41    2.27
2.17    2.11    2.051.35135 2.27    2.02    1.88    1.78    1.72
    :     :       :       :       :        :      :1.01010 2.26    1.6
1.21    0.97    0.79    0.661.00000 2.01    1.44    1.1 0.88    0.73

I am trying to optimize a function of the form:

[image: enter image description here]
<http://i.stack.imgur.com/xfX0Y.png> [image:
enter image description here] <http://i.stack.imgur.com/aokSR.png>

Now my y variable has 6 columns, I can optimize one column (in MWE #3)
which I have done in the MWE. How can I optimize the function to get the
parameters A, n and B for all the 6 column values? In other words how can I
get the value one value of A, n and B for all 6 values of y.


import numpy as npfrom scipy.signal import argrelextremaimport
scipy.interpolatefrom scipy.optimize import leastsq

with open('./exp_fit.dat', "r") as data:
    while True:
        line = data.readline()
        if not line.startswith('#'):
    data_header = [i for i in line.strip().split('\t') if i]
    _data_ = np.genfromtxt(data, names = data_header, dtype = None,
delimiter = '\t')
_data_.dtype.names = [j.replace('_', ' ') for j in _data_.dtype.names]
data = np.array(_data_.tolist())

x = _data_['X']
x_interp = np.linspace(x[-1], x[0], 100)

y = np.zeros(shape = (len(x), 6))
y_interp = np.zeros(shape = (len(x_interp), 6))for i in range(6):
    y[:, i] = data[:, i + 1]
    tck = scipy.interpolate.splrep(x[::-1], y[::-1, i], s=0)
    y_interp[::-1, i] = scipy.interpolate.splev(x_interp, tck, der = 0)

def residuals(p, y, x):
    A_lt, n_lt, B_lt, A_it, n_it, B_it, A_ht, n_ht, B_ht = p
    err = y - (1 / (1 / ((A_it * (15 ** (-n_it)) * np.exp(B_it * x / 1000)) + \
        (A_lt * (15 ** (-n_lt)) * np.exp(B_lt * x / 1000))) + \
        1 / (A_ht * (15 ** (-n_ht)) * np.exp(B_ht * x / 1000))))
    return err
p1 = [2.789E-05, 1.47, 9.368E+03, 2.789E-05, 1.47, 9.368E+03,
2.789E-05, 1.47, 9.368E+03]
plsq = leastsq(residuals, p1, args=(y_interp[:, 2], x_interp))

The question is also available on SO

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