[SciPy-User] ODR multiresponse multidimensional

Robert Kern robert.kern at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 08:59:43 EDT 2015

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 1:43 PM, Thomas Howells <t.howells42 at gmail.com>
> Dear Pythonistas,
> I'm new to the mailing list, my question here is related to scipy's
Orthogonal Distance Regression (ODR) wrapper module. My apologies if you've
received this before, I had some trouble with the mail delivery system.
> From perusal of the documentation for the wrapper and the underlying
Fortran routines, it seems the Fortran code can handle a dataset that is
both multiresponse and multidimensional. I have such a dataset that I would
like to try and use the algorithm for; however as far as I can tell the ODR
wrapper doesn't have the machinery to support this usage.

What do you mean by "both multiresponse and multidimensional"? That the
model is a function `f(x; beta) -> y` such that x and y are each vectors?
Yes, it certainly supports this, and I think the docstrings are pretty
clear about it. What did you read that makes you think otherwise?


Robert Kern
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