[SciPy-User] Access to objective function and gradient in minimize callback

Guillaume Gay guillaume at damcb.com
Wed Nov 18 09:23:17 EST 2015


Couldn't you store the associated data during the optimization, as part 
of the `fun` argument of minimize, which is a function?



Le 18/11/2015 15:06, Mark vdw a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I want to keep track of the optimisation history when using minimize. 
> I want to keep track of the objective function value and the gradient. 
> However, the callback function is only given the current parameters, 
> not the actual value of the objective function and its gradient. So 
> whenever I want to store the current fval and gradient, I have to 
> recompute them in the callback, which is wasteful, especially in the 
> case where I want to store the values at every iteration.
> Is there a way to get the fval and gradient that have already been 
> computed inside the optimiser to the callback function?
> Many thanks,
> Mark
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Guillaume Gay,
Data analysis and modeling in Comutational Biolgy


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