[SciPy-User] Asymmetric peak fitting

jkhilmer at chemistry.montana.edu jkhilmer at chemistry.montana.edu
Thu Mar 19 21:30:53 EDT 2015

> Ah, sorry the very poor memory.  There was a fix to the expgaussian()
> function a month ago, after the 0.8.3 release (and thanks to Tim Spillane
> for the fix!).    That explains the problem you're seeing, and might
> explain why Pawel was having trouble too.   The fix is fairly simple
> (change `arg2` to have `/(s2*sigma)` instead of `/s`,  see
> https://github.com/lmfit/lmfit-py/blob/master/lmfit/lineshapes.py#L116),
> and should be orthogonal to any other changes in the current branch.
Thanks for checking into this.  Do you have any thoughts on the analysis by
Kalambet and Tikhonov in the paper I linked previously?  Specifically, in
the code:

gss = gamma*sigma*sigma
arg1 = gamma*(center +gss/2.0 - x)
arg2 = (center + gss - x)/(s2*sigma)
return amplitude*(gamma/2) * exp(arg1) * erfc(arg2)

The exp(arg1) factor is much too large and erfc(arg2) is much too small,
when x<1/gamma ?

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