[SciPy-User] Scientific Python Survey

Thomas Robitaille thomas.robitaille at gmail.com
Mon Mar 2 10:23:29 EST 2015

Hi everyone,

If you use scientific Python packages for your research/work, I would
appreciate if you could take a few minutes to fill out the following


The aim of this survey is to find out what versions of Python and
various scientific Python packages people are using, and how people
typically install packages, in order to determine how developers can
better meet the needs of the Scientific Python community (for example,
a common question is which version of Numpy need to be supported by

This is a follow-up to a similar survey which I did back in 2012 and
which provided very interesting results that you can read about here:


Please feel free to forward this survey to people in your own
scientific Python communities!

I will publish the results online in a few weeks.


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