[SciPy-User] Installing scipy on MacOS X

Sturla Molden sturla.molden at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 12:18:55 EDT 2015

"Slater Joseph C , PhD, PE" <joseph.slater at wright.edu> wrote:

> How do I determine this? 

Good question. It usually is.

> Not sure what direction I should go. I can wipe macports. Not sure if I
> should try to remove the python.org version instead. What would you suggest?

I don't use Macports or Homebrew, nor the python.org version. 

Right now I have Anaconda, I used to have Enthought Canopy. Get one of
those or build your own Python into a local folder.

>> Build and install Numpy against Accelerate.

> Not sure how to do this. 
> The the Macports version, I've been using their "port install". For the
> python.org distribution, I'd been installing using pip, which does it's
> magic without intervention, as I understand. 

You can "pip install numpy" if the wheel is built against Accelerate. Ask
Matthew Brett. 

Otherwise see below: 

> Pull the source from Github.
>> Use a stabile maintenance branch of numpy, not the master.
>> $ python setup.py build_ext
>> $ python setup.py install


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