[SciPy-User] signal.firls

Neal Becker ndbecker2 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 08:46:06 EDT 2015

Gregory Allen wrote:

> I was surprised to find that there was no signal.firls function in scipy
> for designing FIR filters using least-squares error minimization.
> I wrote this based on a post in this list
> [http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/scipy-user/2009-November/023101.html],
> added band weights, and fleshed it out in the style of signal.remez. It’s
> not as full-featured as the matlab version, but it solved a need for me.
> :)
> It could be pasted at the bottom of signal/fir_filter_design.py. I include
> it here in case it is of any use to someone else, or to be included in
> scipy.
> Thanks,
> -Greg

Thanks!  A great addition.

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