[SciPy-User] Does SciPy already supersed NumPy?

Sebastian Wagner sebix at sebix.at
Tue Sep 30 11:41:43 EDT 2014

If you have problems with the functionality from the numpy functions, 
these don't belong to Scipy but to numpy.
It's better readable when the modules and their functions are separated, 
as they also have different aims and target audience.
You can't run a code without Scipy, even if it does only depend on 

On 2014-09-30 17:31, Robert Kern wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 4:24 PM, Thøger Emil  Rivera-Thorsen
> <trive at astro.su.se> wrote:
>> Oh wow - I have always imported everything Numpy through simply doing 
>> import
>> scipy as sp because that was one less import statement and gave 
>> everything I
>> needed from Numpy. What is worse, I have been teaching my students 
>> that this
>> is more convenient.
>> What are the reasons this is not recommended?
> Mostly the confusion it creates, as demonstrated in this thread and
> the Hamming window thread.

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