[SciPy-User] ANN: Lmfit 0.8.0

Matt Newville newville at cars.uchicago.edu
Mon Sep 22 22:43:41 EDT 2014

Hi Emil,

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 5:52 PM, Thøger Emil Rivera-Thorsen <
trive at astro.su.se> wrote:

>  Hi Matt,
> I have been working on a 1D line-fitter which uses lmfit as backend (as
> module for a larger project).
> Had to shelve it for the moment, but planning to get back to work on it.
> It could possibly be of some use, interface-wise.
> It is written using Traits, Traitsui, Chaco, as the interactive IPython
> and Matplotlib were very limited when I started writing. In any case, it is
> at
> https://github.com/thriveth/lpbuilder
> /Emil

Thanks, that looks very nice.  I'm also aware of a similar interface at
http://nexpy.github.io/nexpy/pythongui.html#fitting-nexus-data, and I have
some similar (less complete) wx widgets for some of my  data
collection/visualization tools.

It does seem like there is a need for a GUI interface for "simple peak
fitting" similar to Origin or ftyk that is very easy to use for simple
cases but powerful enough to allow complex work.  I would imagine that
IPython notebooks or Qt would be the most obvious tool-kit choices, but I
don;t know either of these tools very well.  I'm sure that being friendly
to Pandas Series and datasets from HDF5 files would be greatly appreciated
too.  I don't think it would be a huge effort for a properly motivated

--Matt Newville
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