[SciPy-User] Hilbert transform

Tanguanzhong tanguanzhong at huawei.com
Sat Oct 11 06:11:00 EDT 2014

Dear all,
I have made a test for Hilbert transform for PCM data. Suggest "pcmRawData" is PCM audio data and collect by pyaudio. After Hilbert transform, "pcmData" has 90 degree phase shift relative to  "pcmRawData". Because phase shift for PCM audio is not sensitive to Human-being. So I guess I should not find the difference for "pcmData" and "pcmRawData". But on the contrary, the test result is the audio data of "pcmData" is not good to hear. There are some distortions during the scipy Hilbert transform.

Could anyone can give some advice for this? Is any problem for apply Hilbert transform for audio by Scipy?

This is some code example.

from scipy import fftpack
pcmData = fftpack.hilbert(pcmRawData)

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