[SciPy-User] lmfit: confidence intervals issue

Matt Newville newville at cars.uchicago.edu
Sat Jun 21 08:39:35 EDT 2014

Hi Antonio,

On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 6:36 PM, Antonino Ingargiola <tritemio at gmail.com>

> Hi Matt,
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 2:12 PM, Matt Newville <newville at cars.uchicago.edu
> > wrote:
> [cut]
>>  Thanks for the explanation, now I understand much better the problem. I
>>> have a model function with a discontinuity in the origin (i.e. exp(-x - x0)
>>> for x > x0 else 0). If I sample it with a step dx, I will always have a
>>> problem when x0 changes less than dx. Is there any known trick I can use to
>>> avoid this problem?
>> I'm not sure that there is a robust way to have the range of data
>> considered in the fitting to be a parameter.  I might suggest (but haven't
>> looked at your situation in great detail) to have you consider using an
>> "offset" that shifts the origin for the model, then interpolate that onto
>> the grid of data.  That way, you might be able to set a fit range in the
>> data coordinates before the fit, and not have it change.  The model can be
>> shifted in "x" (assuming there is such a thing -- your data appears to have
>> an obvious "x" axis), but is fitting a fixed data range.  Again, I'm not
>> sure that would fix all problems, but it might help.
> Unless I misunderstood, I do already what you suggest. My function is
> exp(- x + x0) (note that I wrote "-x0" before by mistake) and x0 is
> "continuous", regardless of the x discretization. The problem is that the
> function is 0 for x < x0 and therefore there is a discontinuity at x=x0.
> When the function is evaluated on the save discrete x arrays, changing
> smoothly x0 does not result in a smooth translation of the function.

Ah, sorry, I see that now.   I think I must have missed the use of "offset"
in   "np.exp(-(x[pos_range] - offset)/tau)" earlier.      Yes, I think that
should work, unless I'm missing something else....

Still, the main issue is getting NaNs in the covariance matrix for the
"ampl" and "offset" parameters, which is especially strange since the
resulting fit with best-fit values looks pretty reasonable.    You might
try temporarily simplifying the model (turn weights on/off, turn
convolution step on/off) and/or printing values in the residual or model
function to see if you can figure out what conditions cause that to

A different (untested) guess: exponential decays are often surprisingly
difficult for leastsq().   You might try a different algorithm (say,
Nelder-Mead) as a first pass, then use those results as starting values for
leastsq() (as that will estimate uncertainties).  I hear people who have
good success with this approach when fitting noisy exponentially decaying

>>> In short, it's a challenge to  have variables that are used essentially
>>> as integers.  Still, even if it doesn't work well, it shouldn't be failing
>>> this way.
>>  Yes, but now I'm curious. How did you get around the problem?
>> Least-squares fitting with values used as integers are going to have
>> poorly defined derivatives, and are bound to cause problems, at least
>> sometimes.  I don't know of a general solution, but perhaps someone does.
> I think that fitting a function with a discontinuity using an offset (x
> translation) as a parameter should be a quite common problem.

Yes, I do this fairly often myself (including, like you, forcing the model
for x < x0 to zero).   I think I must have missed the use of "offset" as
both the selection of the valid range and the shift itself.

> Now that I think about this, maybe, constraining the offset variable
> within a single step of x will result in a smooth behavior and would allow
> to find the offset with accuracy of a fraction of the discretization step.
> I'll try...
> Thinking loud, would be nice to have a 2-step fit. In step 1, you find the
> offset varying it with the same discretization of the x axis. In the second
> step, you vary the offset only within one x bin to find the fractional part.
> Does this makes sense? Any idea if would it be feasible with current
> lmfit/scipy?
I don't know how  feasible that would be, but I hope it is not necessary.

--Matt Newville
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