[SciPy-User] lmfit: confidence intervals issue

Antonino Ingargiola tritemio at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 19:12:30 EDT 2014


I'm not sure this is the right list for this kind of issues.

I'm using lmfit to solve a non-linear least square problem to fit a "noisy"
histogram to a model that is a single exponential decay convoluted with a
"sharp" peak and a baseline noise floor.

The problem is that unless I set constrains for the 'offset' parameter the
confidence interval calculation fails in a strange way in scipy brentq

You can see the full example notebook and the error message in this ipython


What can I do to fix the problem? If this is the normal behavior, a more
informative error message would be helpful.

Thanks in advance for any help,

PS: Let me congratulate with the lmfit authors as this is a really amazing
piece of software that should be included in scipy IMHO!
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