[SciPy-User] Normalization for optimization in python

Eric Hermes ehermes at chem.wisc.edu
Sun Jan 26 19:01:45 EST 2014


I extensively use scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b, and I always explicitly 
normalize the input before passing it to the optimizer.  I usually do it 
by writing my function as g(x,norm) == 
f([x[0]*norm[0],x[1]*norm[1],...]), and pass it to the optimizer as 
fmin_l_bfgs_b(func=g,x0=[1.,1.],args=(norm)).  Note that you can achieve 
rigorous convergence by multiplying norm by the result of optimization 
and iterating, but convergence behavior far from a minimum may highly 
depend both on what you choose as your initial guess and what your 
initial normalization factor is.


On 1/26/2014 3:01 PM, Yuxiang Wang wrote:
> Dear all,
> During optimization, it is often helpful to normalize the input
> parameters to make them on the same order of magnitude, so the
> convergence can be much better. For example, if we want to minimize
> f(x), while a reasonable approximation is x0=[1e3, 1e-4], it might be
> helpful to normalize x0[0] and x0[1] to about the same order of
> magnitude (often O(1)).
> My question is, I have been using scipy.optimize and specifically, the
> L-BFGS-B algorithm. I was wondering that, do I need to normalize that
> manually by writing a function, or the algorithm already did it for
> me?
> Thank you!
> -Shawn

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