[SciPy-User] plotting two functions on the same figure but with two different scales on y axis

Gabriele Brambilla gb.gabrielebrambilla at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 15:09:51 EST 2014


I'm trying to plot two functions on the same errorbar picture like the code

        fmlp = plt.figure()

        axop = fmlp.add_subplot(111)

        insp = axop.errorbar(g, Pampli, yerr = ePampli, fmt = '.')
        ins1 = axop.errorbar(g, lightcurva, yerr = zeros, fmt = 'x')

        axop.set_title('amplitudes for phases')


but the two functions has a very different range in y values (one near
10^-15 one near 1): how could I use two different scale (one per function)
on the same plot?


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